Oral Pleasures

338 14 12

This chapter is extremely sexually explicit!

Ramona POV

Marshall gave me a deep kiss, moving to my neck, and then clawing my chest. It felt heavenly, but I knew I had to stop it before we went too far. I just had a baby, and he could hurt me. I grabbed his hands urgently in mine coaxing him to turn down the heat.

"Marshall, slow down. It's still too soon." My voice trembled.

He placed sloppy kisses over my chest and ran his fingertips under the waist of my pants.

"Marshall. Stop."

I pushed him back a bit and he looked hurt.

"It's fine baby, I understand. I got something I need to finish up in the studio anyway." Marshall gave me one final peck before he left the room, and I heard him proceed down the stairs to the lower level. It was awkward.

I felt stupid. Even though it was me who backed him off, I felt as though he was the one who was now rejecting me. I don't know why things got so weird, so quickly. I had never felt intimidated by men before, but this was Marshall Mathers. He could basically have any woman he wants at his beck and call.

I rushed upstairs to my room and sunk into bed in humiliation. Being with a man of Marshall's stature was overwhelming and I didn't want to disappoint him. I took some deep breaths to calm down as I took in all my paintings that lined the walls and the crystals hanging over the window. My eyes made their way to Rochelle's little bassinet placed in the corner. I was a mother now.

I needed to get myself together.

My gaze found its way to the closet for a moment before flinging it open forcefully. Liz would never cower under pressure. Liz was a take charge kind of woman. Maybe she needs to come out to play! I was determined to call upon some old spirits.

Marshall POV

I didn't mean to scare Moe off. It sucked because it had been what felt like an eternity since I'd been with a woman. I had been committed to Moe for months now with no nookie. The only action I was getting was blue balls and extra time in the shower. Of course, I understand, she had just been through a high-risk pregnancy, but I had been waiting for this for so long. I just wanted to feel her again.

I sat back in front of the soundboard zoned out and became startled when I heard the door behind me swing shut.

There she was!

Ramona stood before me in her ever-famous red hair. It was fucking sexy! Fishnets now hugged her thighs perfectly, with her boobies popping out of a corset. Dark, smoky eyes completed the transformation.

"Baby, you look amazing." I stammered in shock.

"Sshh..." She walked towards me to firmly grasp the back of my neck. "You want me, Marshall?"

I didn't know how I was supposed to answer that as I had just gotten shot down upstairs so I just gave an eager nod.

"As you know," Moe continued as she continued towards me, "it's still too early for us to have relations. I may however be open to other arrangements."

I was unsure what to expect but held on for the ride.

My dick started twitching when Moe kissed me, swirling her tongue around mine. She tasted fresh and minty, and the perfume she was wearing drove me insane. I looked in her eyes as she took my hands once more, but this time she led me to her titties. I groped all over her body and ran my hands up her fishnets. My dick was pulsing in my boxers and Ramona stroked over my rock-solid manhood a few times through my jeans before unbuttoning them.

I whispered to her, "Moe, I don't want you to feel obligated to..."

"Sshh..." She shooshed me once more. "Just enjoy this, Marshall."

Moe got on her knees and slid me inside her mouth. I let out a long sigh of sexual relief as she slurped my cock in and out of her mouth then ran her tongue down the shaft.

"Oh, FUCK!" I ran my fingers firmly through her red hair.

Ramona flicked her tongue on my dick repeatedly, then concentrated on just sucking the tip. I was getting lost in her oral pleasures as her lips wrapped around my cock felt amazing and the urge to cum was growing stronger. Moe sensed it as she held my eyes with hers. She ran her mouth over my cock while she moaned to create a vibrating sensation which made me feel like I could lose my goddamn mind.

"Oh, Moe! You're gonna make me cum baby!" I held both sides of her head firmly between my legs.

"Yes. Cum for me Marshall."

I watched Moe's head bob up and down a few more times and moaned hard as I spurted into her mouth.


When we were done, I smiled and pulled her up to fall into my lap on a swivel chair.

"Mmm, that was so fuckin good!" I took her hand in mine, "I mean, thank you."

"Marshall, you don't have to thank me. You're my boyfriend."

I was her boyfriend. It had been a long time since I felt this way as I held Moe and ran my fingers through her hair.

We were all too quickly interrupted when my phone vibrated on the table to a phone call from Paul.

"Here, let me take this quick." I stood up and walked away a bit to answer the call.

"Marshall?" Paul's voice boomed through the phone. "We got a location for the new video. It's gonna be shot in some studio in Vegas. We have a little bit still. It's not for two weeks."

"Sounds good, I'll be there. Thanks Paul."

I told him to have a good night and hung up the phone.

"Everything ok?" Moe asked me.

"Yeah, that was just Paul letting me know about some scheduling shit." I returned to my position of holding her in my lap. "Hey babe, I'm shooting a video for another single off the new album here in a few weeks. You should be there for this one. It's gonna be a lot of fun, plus, you'll finally get to meet my manager, Paul."

Moe gave a cautious smile and rolled her eyes.

It was time to put an end to this nonsense of Paul thinking Ramona is no good for me. He just needs to get to know her better. 

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