The Moment We've All Been Waiting For

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Marshall POV

I couldn't take my eyes off the painting that Moe had made me for my birthday present. I found it intriguing, beautiful yet mysterious. Kind of like Moe herself.

"You are an amazing artist Moe."

"Thank you."

I ran my fingers over the smooth freshly dried paint that made up Hailie's endearing smile and looked closer at the wispy strands of the new baby's hair. It was crafted in such diligent detail, and I was hit with the realization that this had taken Moe weeks to accomplish. I turned to her unsure of what I could say to properly express my gratitude at that moment.

"You painted this for me?"

"I have a lot of time on my hands lately. I wanted to give you something to let you know how much this all means to me." She gave a small smile. "Even if you don't feel it, I just want you to know that...I feel something. I can't just ignore it and act like it doesn't exist. Marshall, you're the first real connection I've had with anyone in a long time. I felt it on the rooftop that night. And I've carried a little piece of it with me ever since."

My phone went off in my pocket and I fetched it out to press "reject" then took off my jacket, throwing it to the floor and laid down behind Moe with my arms snaked around her. We laid there together quietly listening to each other breathing and running our clasped hands over her stomach. I buried my face in her neck and made my way to kiss her cheek, then reached my hand to her face to gently draw her lips to mine and placed a sincere kiss on her lips. We relaxed together in each other's contentment for around ten minutes when my phone pinged again.

Skylar: I'm here!! Where are you?

I put my phone on silent and threw it to the floor, then tightened my embrace around Ramona.

"I feel it too." I lightly said in her ear.

"Marshall," Ramona sounded as if she was about to cry, "you can go hang out with her if you want to."

"Moe, if I wanted to be with some other girl tonight, I would have left already." I turned her to face me and stared intensely in her eyes. "Who am I with right now? Who's the one who lives in my house? It's always been YOU Moe, you gotta know that."

A look of confusion overtook Ramona's face, "So then why are you always so...distant?" Her voice trailed off.

"I don't know baby. I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm like that. Maybe it's because I haven't been clean for that long and it's an overload of emotions. Sometimes, I sit around thinking and become overpowered with grief. I never dealt with Proof's death properly because I was always loaded. Having to feel feelings again can be overwhelming. The love I have for my daughters and the guilt that I have for failing them for so long. Trying to make music that doesn't suck. The responsibility I have for this new little life on the way. And then my feelings for you..." I reached out to stroke her face and she leaned into it. "Ramona, if this wouldn't work out between us, it could be devastating. To me, to you, to the baby."

"Marshall," Ramona smiled as she started, "I know I don't have the best track record,"

I put my tongue in my cheek to keep from laughing.

She continued, "But I'm done with my past life. I can't promise you that everything will always be perfect, but I can promise you that I will do my best to make you happy. And I promise, no more lying. I could never hurt you anymore Marshall."

Ramona laid her head back down on me and I rubbed her back.

"Have you ever had a "real" relationship Moe? Like a happy, healthy relationship?"

"No." She answered coldly into the night.

"Me either."

"I guess this is new to both of us." We didn't say anything for a few seconds and then she continued with, "You told all your friends tonight that I was your girl."

I stared down at her in the dim lighting, "Yeah, I want them to think that. I mean, I want them to know about you, ya know? I'm proud of you."

"Really?" She turned over and smiled.

"Yeah. You're beautiful, you're hilarious, and you carry yourself well in front of people."

Moe raised her eyebrows at my flattery, "I never knew you thought those things about me."

"Well, now you do."

Ramona laid her head on my chest and her pregnant belly laid perfectly against me. I stroked her hair and placed kisses on her head for a few minutes as we relaxed there after experiencing such a fun yet exhausting day together. I felt better to finally admit to her that I had caught feelings for her as well. She made a painting for my birthday, and it touched my heart. I couldn't deny Moe anymore. I would much rather be lying safe and warm next to this woman having my child than meeting up with some other new girl in a parking lot.

"You sleepy baby?" I whispered in Moe's ear.

"Hm mmm." She sighed against me.

"Hang on."

I got up and went to my bedroom to take off my jeans and replaced them with joggers for the night, then found my way back into Moe's room to turn off the light and take her into my arms once more.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight, Marshall." She turned to me and gave me one, final, tender goodnight kiss.

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