New Beginnings

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Ramona POV

I awoke startled when I investigated the spacious room surrounding me from the comfort of a pillow that felt as if my head were floating on feathers. The bed that Marshall had set me up in was amazing. It felt as though the blankets were hugging my body in warmth and my small figure sunk into the mattress perfectly. I hadn't experienced this level of satisfaction during slumber in ages, possibly ever.

"Marshall? Marshall?!" I repeated myself, my voice now booming.

It was no surprise that he couldn't hear me from wherever he was because his house was a fortress. I took a moment to collect my thoughts before I hobbled my pregnant body into the bathroom. I had just reached my second trimester and it's true what they say about the morning sickness suddenly disappearing. I was feeling a lot better as far as my stomach not being queasy every day.

I relieved myself then found a new toothbrush under the sink. I threw some water on my face and looked in the mirror to notice not only my reflection, but that luxurious jacuzzi tub calling my name. A few minutes later, I was pouring bubble oil into the steaming bathtub, lighting the candle sitting on the counter, and sitting back to inhale the rejuvenating aroma as I sank into the bubbles. This is the life!

Marshall POV

I was working out early that day because Kim was bringing the girls over later to hang out at the pool. I hadn't thought about how I was going to approach the topic of having another baby and I planned on not telling them anything at all for now. I need more time, even though Ramona is already almost five months pregnant which doesn't give me a ton of time to procrastinate.

After the workout, I walked my sweaty ass into the kitchen to grab a Red Bull and make myself an omelet. I decided to make one for Ramona as well and carried breakfast and a juice up to her room.

"Hey Mona! Moe!" I knocked before I entered.

She was finally out of the bed, and I heard the whirlpool bubbling from her bathroom.

"Moe, can I come in?" I didn't wait for her to answer and nudged the door open a little to peek my head in.

"Marshall! What the fuck?" She hugged her arms around her big titties.

"Oh c'mon! It's not like I ain't never seen em before." I smiled at her and walked over to set the plate of eggs and bottle of fruit juice on the side of the bathtub trying not to look more than I already had. "I made you breakfast."

Ramona composed herself with a small smile, "Thank you."

"I'm gonna be out by the pool today, but I was gonna bring a laptop up for you to use if you're going to be on bed rest."

"That would be great Marshall, thank you."

"I also have some old clothes that I don't wear anymore that I thought maybe you would want for pajamas. You know sweats and shit."

"Awesome." She smiled.

"I figured we could talk more tonight about, ya know...what the fuck we're doing here."

"Right." She gave a little chuckle. "Have fun today, Marshall."


Later that afternoon, Kim brought the kids over, so I spent the day splashing around with my daughters. It was so great to finally have the energy again to play in the water with them and cook some burgers. It felt like old times. My brother came over eventually to join us and I sat with him outside at the table talking about getting back in the studio again and asked what he had been up to lately. Addiction is a selfish disease. It causes you to forget about everyone around you and only focus on your own self-centered needs. I had broken relationships with a lot of people.

"So, how long you been clean now?" Nathan asked grabbing a burger.

I kept shaking my knee under the table, "It's like four months now or some shit. I don't really keep track. I just go day by day, know what I'm sayin?"

"You don't look like shit anymore." He laughed.

"I know, I look back at old pictures and can't believe that was even me man."

Nathan devoured his food, "What you been doing lately? You hittin the studio again, or not yet?"

I shook my head, "Nah, not really. I have some shit that I recorded, ya know, before the shit hit the fan. I just need to come up with a couple more worthy tracks before I put out another album. Paul said we're figuring on next year."

Nathan eyed me over, "Why do you seem so nervous? You keep twitching your legs, you seem on edge."

"Nah, man. I'm not on edge. I just got a lot on my mind, ya know? Getting sober changes everything."

"Yeah, whatever." I could tell he wasn't buying it or maybe didn't even care.

"We're going in to change Unc!" Laney yelled.

"Aight, I'll be in then. We'll play some video games or something." I waited for the girls to disappear behind the sliding glass door then looked over at Nate. "Can you keep a secret?"

Nate shrugged, "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

I lowered my voice, "I got some girl pregnant."

"What?! Oh shit!" He laughed loudly.

"Shut up. Why does everyone laugh when I tell them?"

"How pregnant is she?" Nate asked once he calmed down.

"Bout four months."

"So, wait she was- "He counted on his fingers.

"Yes, she was pregnant before I entered rehab. Like just before I entered rehab. It happened that week."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"What do you mean? I'm gonna be a dad again."

"And I take it the girls don't know yet?"

"No, they don't know. I gotta break it to them soon though." I stood up to go in the house. "Speaking of the girls, where are they? They're taking a long time."

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