Ramona's Fed Up

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Marshall POV

"She's sleeping soundly." I whispered to Moe after I placed our daughter safely in her crib.

We were back home again, and I put my arms around Ramona as we stood there gazing down at our little daughter and things felt surprisingly peaceful. All these months of hoping everything would be ok and the scary reality of Rochelle's birth had shaken both of us to the core. Moe and I could finally relax and enjoy being new parents.

Moe had lost practically all her baby weight, so my arms fit snugly around her slender stomach, and I leaned my chin on her shoulder. We entwined our fingers together as I repeatedly placed soft kisses on her neck.

"Baby, I forgot to tell you this, but I'm headed out to New York next week. I'm gonna be doing some promo and shit for the new album." I kept my voice low as to not awaken Rochelle. "Do you want to come with?"

"Next week?" Moe hesitated, "I have another postnatal appointment scheduled. I should probably just sit this one out."

I nodded, "That's fine babe, it's probably better. I'm going to be so busy the entire time and New York isn't the best place to sightsee with a baby."

I turned Moe around in my arms to stare at our baby some more.

"She's so beautiful." Ramona whispered and for a moment I thought she was going to cry.

We stood in the darkness for a bit more watching our little daughter's sleeping body rise and fall before I took Moe's hand.

"Come on. Come on Moe. Let's go to bed."

We walked across the hall to our bedroom, and I went in the adjoining bathroom to brush my teeth and take out my contacts. Moe and I had been sharing a bed for weeks now. We still couldn't be intimate because of her just giving birth, but she had given me head almost every night the previous week. God, please let her be gracious and grant me the gift of nighttime pleasure once again.

I got into the bed to take Moe in my arms. I kissed her hard and sloppy and was about to start pushing her head down when her eyes popped opened, and she pushed me away.

"Don't even bother to ask how my day was or anything." Moe looked pissed.

She caught me off guard.

I sighed in confusion, "How was your day?"

"The same as every other day. I take care of a baby all day, make you dinner, then you come home and eat it, you spend some time with Rochelle, and then next we go to bed so I can suck your dick and go to sleep only to do it all over again tomorrow!"

Moe was now sitting up in bed yelling at me and when she finished, it sounded like a perfectly good day to me. She jumped out of bed to continue her rant.

"What are we doing here Marshall? How do you really feel about me?"

I simply shrugged as I didn't know what she wanted from me, "We just had a baby together Moe. You know I like having you here."

Moe scoffed and I could see tears in her eyes when she whispered slowly to me, "Do you love me, Marshall?"

I don't know why no noise came out of my stupid mouth. I just sat there stunned and for once, no words came to my mind. I froze, cautious to show no emotion.

"" I just don't have those types of feelings for you", right?" Moe sarcastically used my own words against me.

"This is stupid." Was the last thing she muttered before she left the bedroom.

I don't know why I didn't chase her. I could've told her to stay so we could talk about this. I could have confessed the way I felt about her and promise her we would live happily ever after as a happy little family. But I didn't. I just rolled over in bed so I could get some sleep and when the baby woke up that night, I got up to make the bottle. I let Moe have her rest, and her peace, or whatever the fuck she was looking for.


5 days later...

"So, that's it?! She just left?" Denaun asked through mouthfuls of food during our lunch break at the studio.

"Well, ya know, she still lives in the house and everything. But she stays at her section, and I stay at mine. In the evening when I get home, I've been taking Rochelle downstairs to the theatre room with me, so Moe can have some time for herself."

"You guys NEED to talk!" Denaun told me. "This is the woman you have a child with. Things shouldn't be awkward between the two of you."

"Man, right now I'm the busiest I've been in the past four years. I have a fucking new album coming out in days! I'm concerned how the fans are going to receive me and I must focus on that. I just don't have time for this emotional bullshit."

Porter got stern, "Well you need to make time! Marshall, maybe you should quit worrying about all the career shit going on and take care of shit on the home front first. And I don't mean just providing for Ramona and the baby financially. It sounds like Moe wants to know what your intentions are. She wants a real commitment, and the truth is, she deserves it." 

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