Some Shit I Already Knew

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Ramona POV

The following days after dinner with Marshall's daughters were a twisted game of flirting and emotional moments wrapped up in the unspoken understanding that Marshall and I were in a pretend relationship. Apparently, Marshall and I shared a bond that existed only in my mind, and I had to make a conscience effort every day to deny my increasing feelings for him. It sucks to like someone exceedingly more than they like you, I felt like it was the story of my life.


Marshall usually left at eight thirty each morning to go to the studio and his birthday was no different. The girls stayed over just as planned to tell him "Happy Birthday" before he left for the studio and that they would see him later that night for a birthday dinner. He still didn't know that they had invited some of his closest friends and there was going to be a surprise birthday bash. His daughters had been excitedly waiting for him to leave the house and all three came in my room to show me the balloons they were about to decorate with and gave me a first-hand glimpse of the cake.

"It looks amazing! I can't wait. He's going to love it!" I smiled at Hailie and Laney.

"Hey Ramona, how come you have your own room? Why don't you stay in my uncle's bedroom?" Laney was curious.

"Oh, ya know, it's just easier this way. I can have all my things in here and get undisturbed sleep."

The girls accepted my explanation and didn't say anything else about it.

I had put the finishing touches on Marshall's present the previous day and wrapped it with some purple ribbon that I had laying around. I was excited to show it to him in just a few hours. Even if he says I'm not really his girlfriend, he is very special to me, and he's always treated me with respect. I laid back in bed and tried to get some rest before the party. I was looking forward to getting out of this room and having a little fun tonight.

Marshall POV

I sat in the office of the studio thinking about Moe. I didn't like the way this situation started, but I do care about the girl. I was going to tell her she could stay at my place for as long as she needed after our daughter is born. I also wanted to start talking to her about ideas for the nursery.

"Marshall, C'mon. She's here." Dre peered in at me.

"Aight. I'm comin."

"Why you even working on your birthday?"

"It's the only day she's in Detroit!"

I had been working with this new artist Skylar Grey who I had to fly to Detroit after I heard a hook she wrote and was blown away. Skylar was exceptionally talented, but also engaging and attractive. She was just the distraction I needed from everything going on at home.

I found my way inside the studio, and Skylar was waiting for me wearing ripped up jeans and a tank top and just as I expected, we spent the entire morning hard at work. This girl and I had a creative chemistry in the studio that is undeniable.

We managed to get so much dope shit recorded that morning. Me and Skylar played right off each other; her work ethic is impeccable. Dre left the studio around noon which left Skylar and me alone, so we ordered some greasy burgers then sat around the studio to dig in.

"This is cheat day." I told her while chewing. "Since I quit doing drugs, I also quit junk food."

Skylar smiled, "Yeah, I heard. Congratulations! I'm sure it was hard. Everyone is so glad to have you back. The world needs new material from Eminem. Thank you so much for choosing me to be a part of it."

"Of course. You're great to work with. Like, real professional and shit in the studio."

"I'm not always like that, Marshall." She smiled and put her head down a bit. "Maybe we should hangout sometime outside of work."

I don't know why I thought about Moe right at that moment. I felt like I was betraying her.

"Sure. Gimme a call later on tonight. You got my number." I said nonchalantly.


Porter asked me to help him out with some shit back at his crib after we had finished up at work. Not everyone knew what to expect from me when I had gotten sober, but Denaun and I flowed right back into our friendship. Porter was a lot different too compared to the good ole days when we used to get fucking hammered.

"That's the last of it." Porter carried a coffee table into his rec room. "Thanks for giving me a hand man. I know moving furniture was probably the last thing you wanna be doing on your birthday."

"Nah man, it's cool. Hailie said to be back at the house by seven 'o'clock for cake and shit."

Porter looked at his phone, "That gives you over an hour still. You wanna shoot a game of pool quick?"

"Sure, I'll hangout for a while."

Porter started racking the balls while I grabbed a pool stick and rubbed chalk on it.

"So, Marshall, how's it going with that chick? Ya know, the one having your kid. Is she still living at your house?"

"Yeah, she's there."

Porter nodded his head, "You two getting along? Has she pulled any shady shit?"

"Nah, she's really cool."

Porter raised his brows at my response, "The girl who stole your Mercedes and your shoes is really cool?"

"Moe's not even like that; she was at a dark time in her life and got involved with the wrong people." I shrugged. "I don't expect you to understand man. But me and Moe have been talking a lot over the past few months and to be honest, I really like her."

"Really? Well, that's good. You seem way better since she's been around. You seem calmer and more focused."

"I am. I'm at a crossroads."

"What do you mean?" Denaun broke the pool balls. "Do you think she likes you?"

"Oh yeah, she's putty in my hands."

He laughed, "She throw herself at you? Tell you she can't live without you and shit?"

"No, Moe ain't crazy like that." I bent down to take the shot on the pool table. "She just told me some shit that I already knew."

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