The Kiss

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Marshall POV

We touch, I feel a rush, we clutch, it isn't much

But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us

Kissing Ramona made my head spin. I laid my back into the couch and drew her closer as she relaxed into my arms. I took this moment to imagine this woman was mine. I wanted to trust and care for her in every way. I was almost thirty-seven years old. I wanted to calm down and have someone there every night when I came home. Moe made me laugh more than once that day. I was sick of having short flings with these girls who meant nothing to me. I wanted a family with a woman I love.

Moe's breathing eventually became steady and I could tell she was sleeping soundly with her pregnant belly rising and falling. Feeling the baby kick earlier made me start to get excited. It felt good to give Ramona this kind of luxury as she was pregnant, sick, and alone. No matter what happens, at least I'm doing what's right for my child.

I carefully removed myself from the couch, lightly placing Ramona's head on a pillow. I took a moment to watch her sleeping and smirked before cleaning up the pizza boxes and junk food we enjoyed during the game. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and saw that I had gotten a text from my ex-wife over a half-hour ago. I was too busy spending time with Ramona.

Kim: Omw over. I wanna talk!

I no sooner read it then my doorbell rang. Luckily, it didn't wake up Moe.

"Hey." I answered the door.

"Hi Marshall. Can we talk?"

"It's late Kim, I'm relaxing. Come back tomorrow." I tried to close the door and she stopped me.

"Marshall, please. I need you."

Why does this woman have this spell over me that I can never say "no"? I let Kim in but sat down at the bar in the kitchen as to not disturb Ramona.

"What's wrong Kim? I got my own shit going on."

Kim looked me in the eye, "Me and Craig broke up."

"Yeah?" I stared at her.

"I was thinking maybe we could give it another try between us. Ya know? Turn over a new leaf? You seem like you're doing good and maybe it could work this time if we're both on the same page."

I shook my head, "I can't do that again Kim. I gotta keep working on myself. You're just another addiction to me. It's unhealthy. I can help with the kids, but that's as far as it goes."

"Oh." Kim looked down and fiddled with her fingers then looked up with a playful smirk. "Well, can we still hookup?"

She came around the counter to wrap her arms around my neck. Normally I would have just fucked her right there in the kitchen, but I couldn't do that with Ramona in the next room.

"Kim, c'mon. You only run to me when you don't have anyone. You gotta be alright by yourself." I ducked her kiss and tried to peel her hands off me.

"Why are you acting so weird?" She shouted. "Fuck me here on the counter!"

"Sshh! Keep it down!" I shooshed her.

"What the fuck? Who you got in there?!" Kim briskly started towards the living room.

"Kim, shut the fuck up! Don't touch her she's pregnant!" I practically jumped on Kim to make sure she didn't do anything to Ramona.

My ex-wife and I stood in the dim living area gawking awkwardly at an obviously pregnant Ramona still sleeping peacefully on the couch. Kim ripped her arm back from me to stomp back into the kitchen.

"It's yours?" Kim asked when I meandered over to her.

I put my eyes to the ground and nodded in silence.

"Then I guess we're about done here." Kim rolled her eyes, grabbed her shit, and exited my house with not another word.


Ramona POV

Things with Marshall and I had been going really well! He seemed interested in my art this morning and we discovered that we have a common interest in sports. He keeps doing nice things for me like bringing me food and making sure I have a laptop to kill the boredom. He didn't have to do those things for me.

When he bet me a kiss earlier in the day, I thought he was only joking and didn't pay much attention to it. Maybe he even was kidding at the time but sharing that moment with Marshall as the baby kicked felt like time was standing still. For months now I have been experiencing this pregnancy as a family of two, just mama and baby. I want Marshall to be a part of my family too. It would be amazing to continue to get to know each other and have our feelings blossom.

I was still a bit nervous around Marshall at first, but I gradually lightened up and was able to be myself around him. I don't know why I've always kept to myself so much because when I come out of my shell, I can be pretty funny. My day with Marshall wasn't awkward at all.

I was absolutely mesmerized when I felt the baby kick and having it be with Marshall made it even more special. I know he felt it too because he wanted to kiss me right in that very moment. It was just little pecks on my starved lips, but it was intense.

I kissed Marshall and prickles fell all over my body as my mind drew to every body part of me that was touching him. His firm arms around my shoulders, my back leaning against his now muscular chest breathing in and out, his hands rubbing my belly. It felt so good to spend time alone with him. It was something Marshall only experienced with me. He seemed so much healthier too! His eyes were bright, his body was firm, and his face had slimmed down.

After the kiss I was jittery at first until a relaxed contentment crept over my body. I had tried to keep my distance from Marshall, but I couldn't help myself. I was happy that this man known for being so private was allowing me into his life. I snuggled deeper into him and got lost in how perfect it felt.

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