03 | 𝐹𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎

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It was quiet at the table. The one awkward silence nobody likes. Why did Ace want to come here when he built up this awkwardness? Luckily Caroline started bombarding the brown hair girl with questions.

"Where do you come from?"
"Don't really want to answer that."
"What's your name?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Just curious."
"Your eyes are very beautiful."
"Thanks. I guess."

Unexpectedly I felt a kick on my leg. First I look under the table without catching any attention then at Caroline who was the person who kicked me.

She nod her head at Fiona and her stern look showed me that I should talk to Fiona.
What's the point of it?

We have bunched ourselves here at the table and are also totally uninvited. Didn't the answers show Caroline that Fiona wasn't even interested in us?

I wanted to calmly communicate against it and shook my head. Under the table, I got a much heavier kick that hurt more than the first one. Forcing myself I said: "I found your purse yesterday."

"Can't be mine. I didn't have one with me." Fiona speaks against my ridiculous talk, although that was a total lie because I saw exactly that it was her purse. I'm not stupid, but at the moment she can pretend it's not hers as long as I get out of here quickly.

"Then that got settled too." I wanted to get up but when my eyes caught Caroline, who said in an aggressive whisper, "Sit down." I rolled my eyes and sit down again to drink my coffee. "Do you have plans for today?" Fiona looked at her and then at her phone. "No."

"Cool we are going to a bar named space do you want to come with us?"

Why does she make it all so complicated? Caroline shut up!

"No." "Oh come on, it'll be fun. We can pick you up too."

"No, thanks." You can tell that she doesn't want anything. But of course, Ace has to add one more to it. "Oh, a little alcohol didn't do any harm or how could you..."

"Okay, that's enough. I don't know you guys, so just let it go." she squeezed through the small gap between the table and Caroline and disappeared out the door. "They remind me of you. So callous and cold."

"What do you mean by that nonsense?" I glanced at Ace.

"But she looked nice. Maybe she will come, she knows the name of the bar, though." Caroline's hope grows high. "The way you performed, rather not." Ace held on to his heart and looked outraged. He's so dramatic. "Just because you don't have the balls to speak to her." spoke the blond girl, to give me a speech like it's my fault.

"I didn't want to speak to her at all. I don't even know her, and it looks like the purse doesn't belong to her. So I have nothing to do with her." I leaned back.

𝘜𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥Where stories live. Discover now