10 | 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑔𝑖𝑓𝑡

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I woke up with a headache. The tequila wasn't such a good idea. I got up and walked into the living room. My eyes fell on Caroline and Katie, which were still asleep. I was going into the kitchen to get a glass of water when someone's phone rang.

I went quietly to the sound that was exactly on the living room table. I looked at the phone screen and saw the name Jayden fades in. Should I answer it? But it's not my phone.

What if something happened, with that thought, I took the phone and walked to my room. Then I answered it. "Yes?" "Katie." "No, Fiona." "Give me my sister." he didn't even say hello. "Good morning to you, too," I said in a friendly but ironic way.

"Give me my sister now." is he deaf? "I can't. She sleeps, don't you listen to me?" "Then wake her up."

"The ringing didn't wake her up, you won't wake her up that quickly." I heard an annoyed hiss. "And Caroline?" "Also sleeping," I informed him.

"Then you come." "Huh? Who are you that you can command me?" I don't understand the guy, he can't even tell me why and for what. "Come here now, I need help and since you can't wake up my sister or Caroline, you have to come." I see the confusion on my face when I take a quick look in the mirror. "And Ace?"

"He's gone. So come on now." "Not with the tone you're giving me." I smiled, knowing exactly how it was bothering him. "Fiona, can you come please?" Jayden asked friendly and very fake, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, of course," I replied. "I'll send you the location." my phone was ringing, I never gave him my number, why did he have it then? "Get dressed and come!" I immediately hung up and went into the living room to put the phone back on the table.

It looks like I have to work at night. I walked into the bathroom and got ready to go to the location Jayden sent me. I quickly wrote a note for the two of them and locked my closet where the guns were inside. Then I walked out of my apartment.

It was pretty cold outside. It was a bit wintry, too. When I was on the way to the café, I saw how they decorated their café. Christmas is coming soon, and it looks like I'll be celebrating it with my family.

I don't feel like doing it now, but the tradition with the gift remains, which is why I also have to buy some gifts. Which should I buy first and what? Valerie and Valentin, I know exactly what I'm buying, but for Valerian, I have no idea. It's like I don't even know him. Whatever his hobbies or interests are, absolutely nothing.

Maybe a new weapon? But he already has so many of them. Socks? Such a stupid gift. I just pushed the thought aside and went into the café to buy myself a coffee. Then I drove to the location Jayden sent me.

When I got there, I parked the car and got out. I walked out to Jayden, who was standing in front of a store. It didn't take long for him to recognize me. He seemed very happy to see me because he immediately rolled his eyes, which unfortunately are too beautiful for him as a person. "It couldn't take any longer?" I shook my head. "It's 8 a.m. you wanted me to come, so you can wait a few more minutes. Well, why do you need me?"

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