08 | 𝐼'𝑚 𝐾𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑒

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I just got home from my third mission. I closed the door, threw the bag on the floor, and the key on the kitchen island. After this stressful day, I got to the bathroom to take a warm shower.

In the bathroom, I turned on the shower and slowly undressed. I immediately put the clothes in the washing machine and turned it on. I'd prefer when my clothes didn't get dirty, but the one guy grabbed my leg and left a bloody handprint on it.

I got into my shower, which was the one I ever wanted. The warm water hit my cold skin. It felt great. One day alone living in the big apartment and I don't regret it at all. I'm glad moved away. Being away from the house, not getting watched by my father anymore. Marcel's angular smile.

But I miss Ivan, Valerie, Valentin, and mom, also Valerian. How are they doing? I hope well. I hope better than I did when I lived there. To quickly get other thoughts, I took shampoo into the palm of my hand and massaged it into my hair.

I closed my eyes and let the water fall over my face, the shampoo gradually coming off my hair. When I washed my body afterward, I turned off the water, took a towel, and put it around my wet body.

I went to the mirror and looked at myself for a few minutes. The mascara was still a bit blurred under my eye. I took a cotton pad and removed it completely. Next to me, my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen, but it was no one I knew or ever given my number.

Still, I picked up the call. "Yes?" "Fiona." I heard a male voice on the other side of the phone.

"Who's there?" I raised my eyebrow. "It's Ace." now my eyes widen. "How do you get my number?" "Well, cool explanation. I entered your name in the system and all the data come up." "You took my data?"

I am not scared of the fact that he had my number, I was scared that there are only two jobs in which a person can get data from people. The police and the FBI, and both are bad for me. "Yes, but I recognized you yesterday in the café and, well, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I wanted to invite you. "

"We don't know each other." I turned and leaned against my sink. "We can get to know each other. We're not that bad, and you'll have fun with us, too." I didn't say anything at first. I have to concentrate on my work. I don't know why, but I'm still forcing myself to say yes.

I want to know what it's like to have friends, but what if it goes wrong? What if father finds out? I'm not sure. I always do what I'm not allowed to do. But the penalties have been tightened, and the move has made my father more forceful with me.

"Live your life." I raised my eyes and looked around because I heard something. Not again. I have been hearing something for weeks. At the end, my sister appears next to me.

"Fiona?" I hear Ace on the phone again, which I completely forgot. It happened so quickly that I didn't notice that I said yes. "Cool. Then we'll meet at the Central Park." I just wanted to talk myself out of it, but he was already hanging up.

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