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VALENTINA~ Lovely by Billie Eilish & Khalid = Cover (Violin) by ItsAMoney

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~ Lovely by Billie Eilish & Khalid = Cover (Violin) by ItsAMoney

"Carefully." "Ace, I can walk." I was annoyed when Ace put my arm around his shoulders and helped me walk to my apartment. Although I'm almost healthy and happy because I'm home after the whole week in the hospital. I can do it on my own and am not chained to bed anymore. Admittedly, my ribs still hurt when I move fast, but I can deal with that.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" I asked him as he opened the door and came in with me. "Nothing I can think of." "And the Gala? For the FBI?" I've heard Katie yell over the phone in disappointment because she wanted to go, as families are invited too. "I'm not going." Finally, he took my hand from his shoulder and let me sit on the stool in the kitchen.

"I have plans." Ace turned and did something in the kitchen. "And what exactly?" "I don't know myself. There's this girl, and she said we could hang out." I lean forward slightly and smile. "A girl, huh? How is she?" Ace didn't say anything, instead, he looked down in embarrassment. Maybe he's uncomfortable talking to me about girls or the ones he likes. He scratched the back of his head and turned to me.

"Well, she's funny, friendly, intelligent, kind, super sweet, warm, caring, she loves animals, and she's good-looking too." He confides his dreamy side to me, and man, this girl turned him into a simp. "You like her." I put the facts in my mouth. "No, we're just getting to know each other." He shrugged his shoulders, but I can tell he is different when he talks about her. "You like her. I have never heard anyone talk about someone like you do about her." I saw Ace blush for the first time, which he must have noticed himself because he immediately turned around and poured hot water into one cup with a tea bag in it.

Then he put the hot cup in front of me. "Thank you, and go now." I stirred the sugar into the tea. "Why? You still have to go to bed, and how do you want to eat? I'll help you, don't worry." I rolled my eyes. "I said go, Ace. You have a date, and I can walk, even jump easily, I can do it on my own." Although he nodded in understanding, he didn't quite accept it.

"Call me if you need anything." I went to the door with him. "Yes, and you have fun on the date." I opened the door and pushed him out. When I don't kick him out, he will stay here forever and miss his date. "I'll let Jayden know, then he'll check on you." My finger rose dramatically, pointing at Ace. "Don't you dare, go on your date, and I'll relax. I don't need a babysitter." He eventually nodded and hid his panic with a smile. Then I closed the door when he decided to leave.

By the fall of the burden of any people nearby, my shoulders drop from relaxation. Most of the time, Ace was with me. He was with me every minute and asked if I needed anything or wanted to eat, although I told him minutes ago that I didn't need anything. When he found out I was in the hospital, he came to me immediately. His presence was annoying but also very sweet, I wasn't that bored, and I realized Ace really cares about his loved ones. He really did little things that no one could think of just to make me feel better. He has a big heart.

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