16 | 𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡

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Caroline has slept in my apartment since yesterday. I had taken care of her bruises and given her something for the pain. My knowledge of pain and the whole father thing paid off.

I just walked out of my room into the kitchen and took a mug out of the cupboard, put it under the coffee maker, and pushed the button. Then I went to the fridge to get the milk. "Hey."

I sat up quickly, grabbing the knife in front of me and throwing it as I turned. The person ducked, and the knife got stuck in the wall. "I will never surprise you again." came from Ace.

"What are you doing here?" I was already annoyed at how Ace always shows up out of nowhere. "Caroline and I want to go out." He stood up again, grab the knife, and pulled it out of the wall to give it back to me. "Don't you think she's moving on too fast?" I took a sip of my coffee, which was ready.

"Having fun always helps." I roll my eyes. I'm not sure if Ace really understands what I mean. "But that's different if you want to compare it to a normal heartbreak." he looked at me skeptically. "I'm done." came Caroline out of the bathroom. To be honest, she didn't look good at all. Just yesterday the thing with Justin's arrest happened, it may be that she wants to put it behind her quickly and without any feeling of pain, but not even she can. She is a human, it's not easy to just turn off her feelings.

Pale, dark circles, eyes narrowly swollen and red. No, she doesn't look good at all. "Are you sure?" I asked her with great uncertainty. "What do you think can happen? We just gonna have fun."

"I mean, maybe you're not ready yet..." Before I can articulate my way of thinking, she rose her voice a little, putting my voice in the shadows. "I can do whatever I want." Yes, I know that it's not a good decision to go out, but I also know that I can't change Caroline's mind in this state. So I have no choice. "Then I'll come with you two." I put my cup back on the table. "Do what you want." she waves her hand in front of her and turns her back to me arrogantly.

I worry about how Caroline is going to process everything. I'm afraid that she won't allow the grief, and she doesn't go out with normal intentions, but with the way that many people take it. Ace doesn't seem to understand it either, but it's so important to pay attention to her at the moment.

I went to my room to change but didn't really want to put on a dress. My motivation for this club visit is so low that I would prefer not to have to go, but I can't put my trust in Ace's hands. I have to do this alone because, in my own way, I also get what I want.

On the way into downtown new york, Ace tries to strike up a conversation, Caroline just seemed annoyed, which is why she looked out the window. I become the driver of the night. "So, what are we doing on New Year's Eve?"

"I don't know?" My father doesn't celebrate it like Christmas, either. He never celebrated anything. Watching the colorful lights from my window was the only pleasure I could experience as if I wasn't particularly close to celebrating it. Nevertheless, I would like to ignite fireworks myself. I mean, that must be cool.

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