25 | 𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘

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After all the drama, I forced myself to cancel the mission for today to enjoy the city I wanted to live in for another life. It was my dream to lead a life like this. To be normal, so I should be doing something normal.

I decided to grab a coffee at James's. I haven't had the best sleep since the last few days after the night I found out the truth about one of my family's deepest secrets. I have nightmares about how Valentin jumps on me and kills me with multiple stab wounds.

He's killing me and instead of finding a way to get a good night's sleep, it becomes multiple nightmares day by day. One night it's my brother, the other one my sister, my whole family has a good place in my dreams.

I try to take everything lightly because I know exactly what my family is like, and it shouldn't really throw me off, but it does. I didn't think there would come a day when I would fight to not be stabbed by my brother because he thinks we're murderers and that's our justice.

Maybe it is. Even if Valentin wasn't right in his head at that moment, he's right that our only justice is to die, but we can't do that because if we didn't work for our father, others would do it and people would still die. I try not to think about it and push the whole thought aside.

Luckily, when I entered the café, there wasn't that much going on. I'll get in and out of here quickly and then enjoy life outside for the next few hours. So I ordered my coffee and got it just as quickly as wanted. With no weight left on my shoulders, I walked the streets of New York.

Music playing in my ear. From time to time, I drank from the cup and pretended to be one of the people around me. I am normal and I see myself as one. With an inner smile, I walked around the corner when I bumped into someone, this brought my coffee to the ground, but luckily I was able to stop it because my mood would sink with the coffee.

I looked up at the girl I collapsed with. Still annoyed at her, I immediately recognize the blond hair that I just can't get out of my head.

"Fiona, hey." Caroline hugged me as soon as she recognized me, too. "You are back." I hugged her with one arm and held the coffee aside with the other as Caroline pulled away from me. "Yes, it took longer because I was in therapy in Europe," she told me as she styled her blonde hair on the right side behind her ear.

"And how do you feel?" I immediately wanted to know everything, no matter where she was, how long, and what she was doing, I wanted to know everything. But first I want to find out whether it was even worth taking the trip to Europe. "Much better. I'm slowly letting people in, and I understand everything better than before."

I find it amazing how quickly Caroline has developed. She's been gone for months and handling it very well. But it makes me so happy that she's finally feeling better. Before the trip, Caroline took the wrong way to investigate her problem better. When I think that she hardly ever let anyone near her because she was ashamed, as she called it.

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