Chapter 29

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Malarie's POV

Two Weeks and three days later.

I sit on the tiled floor humming a nice Christmas melody, and wrapping some presents. It's not gifts I had gotten for the guys, but its presents they bought for each other. And boy did they get each other lots of very expensive stuff. I didn't mind wrapping them up though. Seeing as they asked me one by one so kindly. All except Jason.

Much has changed since Jason and I, had that heated argument-fight. I have really made him suffer and hurt. I don't kiss him, hug him, or even talk to him. I do still feed him, even though he doesn't have much of an appetite nowadays. I'm not that low, to not feed my own boyfriend. I'm just not showing him any affection.

He's just in time out... right now. To say he's taking it hard, is definitely not the word. It's like he mopes around, not really paying attention to anything. He hasn't been on any missions, he just hangs out in his man cave outside.

All the guys keep asking what's going on between us two. I just shrug it off, and Jason just walks away sadly. Cal is still beyond pissed off. He always finds a way to bring up the hurtful situation between Jason and I.

Especially at the dinner table. Very awkward if you ask me. None of the gang, knows what he's talking about thankfully. Except him, Jason, and of course me. Little does Cal know, I hate when he brings up the topic. It just reminds me of what happened that afternoon in the bedroom.

I finished up on the last gift, knowing I'll have a lot more to wrap soon. Plus I need to ask Cal to take me into town. So I can buy my gifts for the boys. I already know what I want to get for everyone. Cal had told me, he didn't mind paying for my stuff. Since I don't have any money of my own.

"He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake. He knows when you been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake." I sung along to the radio, as I made ginger bread cookies. It's my first time making them by myself. I would usually assist my mom when she made them for Christmas. But she's not here right now. So me, myself, and I have to try to make them alone.

I pressed my ginger bread man cookie cutter, into the cookie dough. Making twenty two cut outs. I always make us all two of everything. Just in case someone wants some more.

After I was done cutting all the doughy men. I put each of the ginger bread men onto two cookie sheets, placing them in the oven. Then going on to set the timer for thirty minutes.

I cleaned up my mess, washing all my dishes up. Not wanting to have a messy kitchen. Like I said many times before, if I don't do it... it won't get done. I heard the front door open, and lots of talking and laughter.

The boys are home from their small job. Goodbye quietness, hello loudness.

I took out their tuna sandwiches I made earlier. Sitting the plate, stacked with sandwiches on the kitchen table. I also placed a bowl of Doritos on the table as well. I turned off the radio, and went to the laundry room.

"Hell yeah! See this is what I like to come home to. My food waiting for me on the table. Shit Jason you're lucky." I heard Malcolm say, not hearing a single word from Jason.

"Thank you for the food Malarie." Za called out. I smiled, taking out Ryan's laundry from the washer. Distributing them to the dryer. Did I mention I'm in nothing but panties and Jason's long sleeved tee? I hope he doesn't mind. I have gone weeks without washing all my clothes. Only because the boys clothes were stacked up to the darn ceiling. Not literally but almost there.

"You are welcome Za!" I shouted back. I reached for the soap at the very top of the shelf. Not being able to reach it at all. Short girl problems as I guess.

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