Chapter 23

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Malarie's POV

"I know, I miss you too. Please don't cry mom... I can't stand it when you do. Yes I am being fed, no one is hurting me. Mommy, you know I can't do that. Okay, I will, I will... I love you too. Good night, send everyone my love. Kiss baby Albert for me." I hang up Jason's cellphone, sitting it down on the bed.

He let me call my mom today, while he he took a shower. I was so grateful he let me call her, even though I've been really mean to him these couple of days. I'm still on my period- the fourth day to be exact. I usually go four days, but since I'm irregular it could change up on me. Jason keeps asking me why I'm not dead yet, since I'm bleeding nonstop. He's so silly.

Speaking to my mother was not only hard for her, but it was hard for me as well. She kept begging, and pleading with me to give up my location. I had to refuse, just telling her she could possibly get hurt and or killed. Every now and then talking to her, I would hear the shower turn off. Indicating Jason was eavesdropping on my conversation. I had thrown a water bottle at the wall, and the shower instantly turned back on. The water turned off a total of seventeen times. Can you say over dramatic?

Right now I am in the library room, while all the guys are getting ready for some mission. Alex had told me earlier, that their job wasn't too far from here. I only just realized I'm finally going to be alone. Though in reality I wouldn't actually be alone. Jason has alarm systems and cameras all throughout this place. Even if wanted to go outside for some fresh air, the alarm would sound, sending a message to his phone. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but it's what he warned me. As for the cameras, they will catch me in the act of "leaving". I'm not going to be dumb and find out, or test any theories. I just hope they're not in the bathrooms. Knowing him, they probably are.

I decide to go into the kitchen to get me a snack. It's a little after eleven at night. They all like doing missions early in the morning, or late at night. I walk inside the kitchen, seeing Cal, Za, Ryan, and Damian talking. I wave a small wave, opening the refrigerator to pull out a pumpkin pie Jason and I made earlier today. He made two, and I made three, as well us making one together.

I cut myself a nice size piece, placing it on my plate. Grabbing myself a water bottle, I take a seat at the small table. I begin to eat my pie, not really listening to the guy's discussion. I hear a throat clear; not really thinking nothing of it, I keep eating my food. I hear it again, making me look up to see all four dudes looking at me.

"Someone cleared their throat, two loud times." I giggle, looking at the four men in front of me. "Yes I did. You didn't cut us any pie." Za pouts, looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes. I shake my head laughing lightly.

"You all were in here before me, why didn't you cut your own pieces?" Taking a sip of my water, I wait for their answers. "We didn't know if it was Jason's pie or not. It was on his side of the fridge." Ryan speaks annoyed, as I nod in understanding.

"It's not his, they're for all of us. You can have some. All of you can." I explain, pointing to the stainless steel refrigerator.

They all quickly scramble over to the fridge, cutting themselves pieces of the pumpkin pie. That meanie probably put the pies on his side of the fridge, just so no one could eat them. And he says he wants kids... he can't even share. Children want every single thing. I throw my head back in laughter, looking at the guys frantically eating their pieces of pie.

"You guys really like pie, huh?" They nod their heads up in down, still eating like pigs. Aw, four little piggies, eating their piggies snack.

Soon after, Malcolm, Chris, Jacob, and, Moe come inside the kitchen. Looking all wide eyed and confused, they pout sadly.

"It's not Jason's pies, you guys can have some too." I gesture to the still opened fridge. They too, hurriedly grab plates a d knives to cut theirselves pieces of the other pies.

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