Chapter 9

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Malarie's POV

The sun streams through the shaded window, warming my back up. I squirm a little, snuggling myself closer to my pillow- my very hard pillow! Fluttering my eyes open, I am met with two honey colored eyes, staring down at me. Jason.

I quickly tried to get away from him, but he tightened his hold on me. Bringing me impossibly closer. He didn't make a sound, he just gazed down at me. Which is quite awkward, if you ask me. Several minutes passed with him looking at me, eventually making me look away from him. As I was turned away from him I felt him graze over my left breast, instantly making me snap my head around in fear.

"I knew if I did that, you would look at me eventually." He spoke, with a smirk spreading across his face.

I kept silent, turning my head away from him again. I have nothing to say to Jason, he took what I had left. Let's not forget he forcefully took it away. He literally had the gun aimed at my face, threatening to take my life away if I didn't "make love" with him. I don't care if he's trying to make conversation with me. He's a freaking monster who doesn't respect anyone.

"Baby love you'll eventually have to talk to me." I shook my head "no", still trying to move away from his firm embrace. "Baby stop trying to move away from me." Jason pulled me back, getting slightly irritated. I stay silent not daring to say a thing.

"Stop ignoring me if you know what's good for you." He seethed, making my heart beat rapidly. Again I stay quiet too afraid to say anything. "Fine have it your way then." He let me go. I sighed in relief, but that was too soon.

"I don't know why you thought you won this battle." He chuckled, climbing on top of me. Tugging at the bottom of his shirt I was wearing.

Oh God not again. I'm still so sore, doesn't he have a heart?

"N-no... no, p-please." I stuttered, facing him with tears in my eyes. "Now she wants to listen." He smirked, still straddling me.

"Y-yes I-I'm listening to y-you." I nodded quickly as I could, holding his hands down. "That's good, because you know it hurts my feelings when you're disrespectful to me." He murmurs looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I squeaked, still nervous as ever. "It's okay baby." He picked up my hands, kissing them gently. "Give me a kiss, yeah?" He puckered his lips, leaning down to my level.

"I-I'm tired." I tried to lie, failing miserably. "Ah ah ah, don't lie to me baby, I fucking hate liars." He scolded, popping my hand.

"Now let's give me my morning kiss, eh?" I reluctantly agreed, not wanting to piss him off. "Y-yes Jason." He smiled widely, puckering his lips once more.

He captured my dried and busted lips in a surprisingly gentle kiss. I pulled away after we pecked, but Jason didn't like that. He grabbed my face firmly into his hands, and kissed me more intensely. He kissed me with so much force, I almost thought my lips were as flat as pancakes. I had to push him away to get some air, he's is literally sucking up all my oxygen.

"Malarie if you don't stop moving me away." He growled sitting up swiftly, squeezing my wrist hard. "Ouch, Jason I needed a breath. You're too rough with me. You're leaving bruises everywhere on me." I croaked, rubbing my aching wrist.

"Yeah um... my bad, alright?" He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, getting up off me. But not before squeezing both of my breast.

We both stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, the atmosphere was growing tense with a hint of awkwardness. Jason just makes me so scared for my life, and I'm pretty sure he knows that. If he wasn't so perilous, I would think he was the hottest thing walking. I mean he is attractive, it's just his personality makes him such an ugly person.

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