Chapter 61

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Jason's POV

"Daddy, don't let me drown." Tasha yelled as she doggy paddle in my arms. "I won't baby girl, let's just try to keep your mouth closed this time, eh?" I chuckled, twirling us around in a circle.

Today is an extremely hot September day, so I decided to take Tasha outside to the pool. I wasn't aware of her not being able to swim- she told me with lots of confidence, that's she knew how to swim. Let's just say her wiggling around under depths of water, is not knowing how to swim. Malarie nearly jump inside the water to get her... she doesn't know how to swim either. To say that would have been a sight to see. Sike. I love both of my girls too much, to see anything happen to them.

"Don't take her to eight feet. I'm serious, Jason." Malarie scolded me, for the hundredth time today. Along with my mom nodding in agreement to her. Getting tired of her treating me like one of our children, I waved her off.

"I'm the one who knows how to swim. Why don't you worry about the baby, or you getting rid of those tiger stripes." I snickered playfully, yet her face showed embarrassment. She got up from her lounge chair, leaving Jacob with my mom.

"Come here, now!" My mom called me over. "Mom I'm in the pool with Tasha." I tried to bypass her scolding me. "Get out the pool now!" I quickly lifted Tasha out the pool, following behind.

Handing my daughter a towel to dry her off, she ran straight to her Uncle Alex. Almost instantly sitting in his lap, to eat some of his hotdog and chips. She's a plate hopper- always eating out everyone's plate, along with her own.

"Which one do you want?" Alex asked her. "Can I have a Doritos, and one of your Hot Cheetos?" He nodded, placing a chip in each of her hands.

Having a wet substance thrown on me, I looked at my mom in pure shock. She just threw water at my face! Grabbing my towel, I dried my face off, wrapping the towel around my neck.

"Mom that was so uncalled for, that water was freezing cold." I smirked, only for her to give me a stern looking expression. "Okay, what did I do this time?" I questioned, watching her burp Jacob.

"You're seriously going to ask me that question? Do you not remember what you just said to your girlfriend? The mother of your children." My mom is clearly pissed. But being the cocky ass I am, I just have to to say a smart remark.

"I'm not sure if I do." I try so badly to hold in my laugh, though it came out anyway. That just earned me a smack to my chest. "Ow mom, you're heavy handed. I winced, rubbing my now red chest.

"Don't play around, when I'm trying to be serious. You hurt Mal's feelings. The teasing about the so called "tiger stripes"... that's mean. She just had a baby almost two months ago, and you pull the stretch mark, card. Super low blow." I then realized, that my remark did sound mean.

"I didn't know my remark came off as rude, or mean. I was just kidding around." I rubbed my towel over a few water droplets, dripping from my hair. "I know you you didn't mean to, but I'm a woman as well, and that's a touchy subject for us ladies. " I nodded in understanding, seeing her point of view.

"Well, I guess I have to go apologize for making that mean comment, huh?" She nodded, placing a kiss on Jacob's cheek.

Running inside the house, I called out Malarie's name, but she didn't answer me. Looking everywhere for her, I found her in our bathroom. She had her shirt raised, looking her body over. Almost instantly I felt like a huge jerk. She didn't see me come in, so I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around her. Of course she jumped in complete surprise. She also tried to pull down her shirt, but I stopped her.

"Jason don't look at me." She tried to cover her stomach with her hands, though I held her arms to the side of her body. "Let go of my hands." She croaked, squirming on spot.

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