Chapter 59

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Malarie's POV

One Week Later

I sit up in bed groaning loudly. The pain that I am feeling, is way too much to bare. I lean over sobbing quietly to myself. I feel the bed move, soon enough I'm feeling Jason's hands wrap around me.

"What the fuck is this?" He jumps back, getting out the bed to turn on the room light. "What's wrong?" I sniffle, wiping my eyes.

"Babe, there's water- or your fluid shit everywhere." Confused, I look at the bed.

Indeed, there was lots of water... coming from me. Panicking I start to cry, not knowing if I was losing the baby or not. I just assumed I was sweating profusely. Nope my water is coming out of me.

"Jason I'm only twenty eight weeks, I-I can't have the baby now." I try to get up, but he sits me back down, rubbing my thighs. "It's okay, deep breaths." I do as he says, staying calm as possible.

It's been a week since the whole ordeal of Jason killing his father, and that nasty pervert Cyrus. I was told he wasn't even dead, he only got shot in his eye. As soon as I got out the hospital, Jason picked me up and took me home. He cried for hours in my embrace. He explained to me, that he was going to be hurt once again.

He thought him almost being raped was his fault. It's never a persons fault. Nor is it right to do unto others, if you don't want the same to happen to you. To say he apologized for doing the same to me, wasn't what he did. He literally begged for my forgiveness, on his hands and knees- completely naked. I already had forgiven him, I guess he wanted me to say it again.

I had to hide all the knifes and other sharp objects, afraid he would try to hurt himself. He really beat himself up about the situation. The good thing that has came out this whole situation, is that Jason's mom and brother are alive and well. A bit on the malnourished side, but all in all, they're good. My Cal Pal is doing well- he's found a guy friend. I think they are really cute together. Although no one will ever replace Jacob. Za and Ryan are well too, still annoying- but healthy and well.

"Mom! Alex!" He calls them, only to wake up Natasha. I quickly wipe my eyes, not wanting her to see I was crying. "Daddy why are you screaming so loudly?" She rubbed her eyes sleepily, as she walked over to us.

"I'm sorry Tash, I was calling for Uncle Alex, and Grandma." He kissed her head, placing her on the bed. "What's wrong bro! You're screaming like your being murdered!" Alex nearly slipped on the wood flooring, coming inside our room.

"Alex, her water just broke, man! It's way too early for that." Alex eyes popped out of his head. "MOM! Get your tiny self in here... pronto! Pronto, mama!" He yelled waking up the whole house. Soon everyone from, Cal, Ryan, Za, and Cal's male friend rushed inside of our room.

"What? What's going on?" She sprinted inside the room, smiling warmly at me. Her hair was all over the place, though she still looked absolutely gorgeous.

I really like Pattie, and she likes me too. She's definitely not like Jason's father. He hated me from the very start. I'm still struggling with my memory, but I would had preferred Pattie instead of Mr. McCann. She's so nice- I was afraid she wouldn't like me. Though she told me she already loved me like a daughter of her own.

She's so understanding, so mother like. She also knows of Jason dealing with his mental disorders, along with that anger of his. He got smacked in the back of his head, for saying a few selective words to me a few days ago. They didn't faze me, but they were rude to her, so she made him apologize. He actually did it too.

"Mom her water broke, and we both are freaking the hell out." She looked at him, busting out laughing. "You silly boy, take her to the hospital then." I giggled, as he blushed a deep red color.

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