Chapter 52

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Jason's POV

"Make sure they put extra cheese on those chili cheese fries. You know Malarie will have a fit, if there isn't any on them." Ryan and I both chuckled, as I continued to drive us home from the corner fast food place.

"Bro we're almost home and you tell me to check." Ryan laughs checking the bags.

Today I was nice enough, to treat everyone for lunch. The guy's and I have been working out all morning long. So when lunch time came around, Ryan and I both left to get food. Unfortunately my dumb ass left my phone, so my baby wouldn't be able to call me. I'm sure she's fine.

"Yeah the food is good, extra cheese and all." He turned up the radio, nodding his head to the music.

"Cool. Pass me one of Malarie's fries." I chuckle, driving fast down the highway. Singing my favorite song right now. 'Look at the flick of the wrist'.

Pulling into the driveway, we get the bags of food, heading up to the front door. Ryan opened the door for us, where we are met with my blood... lots of it. I set the food down on the couch, following the blood. Me and Ryan, instantly become on high alert.

That's when I heard Malarie scream out in agony! And that's when I fucking lost it. I turned into a killing machine, as I darted up the stairs.

"BABY WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled out as I kicked every door in.

I kicked Alex's door open. Finding him unconscious, and bleeding profusely out his chest. I grasped my hand over my mouth, trying to contain my emotions. I went to check his pulse, but Malarie screaming out in pain snapped me out of it.

"I'm sorry big bro. Please understand, Malarie needs me. I love you man, I'll be right back." I knelt down, kissing his head.

"JASON THEY'RE TRYING TO RAPE ME, PLEASE!!" Pulling my gun out my back pocket. I cocked it, ready to kill anyone.

Running out the door, I bump into Ryan holding a dead Moe on the ground. We both nodded in unison, saddened we just lost a good friend. Ryan bottom lip wobbled, as he shakily stood up next to me.

"Bro anyone who's a threat, kill them... I don't care who it is Jason, just do it." Ryan said in pure rage. I nodded menacingly. Pissed as can be. Moe is dead, I don't even know if my brother is or not.

"No! I'm pregnant! Please, Jason, Cal, Jacob! Anyone please come and get me." She was screaming for anyone.

"Cal and Jacob should be on their way man. I called them already." I nodded. We both proceeded to kick the door open. Causing Damian, Chris, and Malcolm, to all jump in mock horror. That bitch Damian, was just about to put is dick in MY WOMAN! Mine.

Guess who didn't take their medicine today? Ding, ding... ME! I'm angry, and the psycho is out now.

I ripped Damian's naked ass off my Malarie! She was screaming and scared, looking. I so badly wanted to hold her tight. Damian's ass is going to pay. He has gone overboard this time. I rammed my gun into the side of his head. Not caring if I hurt his punk ass or not. He thought I was going to be easy, and take him out just like that. No. He's going to suffer.

I kept an intense look on my face, as I held the gun to his head. "You've done it this time. You're fucking dead, motherfucker." I click the safety off, about to shoot his ear off. I never get what I want though.

"Put the fucking gun down McCann. Or she's dead." Malcolm held a gun to the back of my head.

I gazed around me, only to see Chris holding a knife to my baby's precious throat. All while he was massaging her hips. She was crying loudly, and exposed in just her bra. No type of underwear on. My breathing began to pick up extra quickly, as my chest heaved up and down rapidly.

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