Chapter 19

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Malarie's POV

Pies, Turkey, ham, thankfulness, more food, and crazy criminals. Today is Thanksgiving Day, so being the nice person I am... I decided I would make food. Since these criminals don't celebrate any type of holidays, or special occasions. Anymore. I've been cooking up a storm, with the help of Cal of course, and a few other guys. Cal has been doing everything he possibly can for our friendship to go back to normal. After he told me about himself last night, about how he had gotten in the gang. I forgave him. We're still not as cool as we use to be. But we are a working progress.

Jason on the other hand, is another story. All afternoon, he's been trying to make me jealous... with that bitch TrollLonda. Yes I know her name is 'Yolanda'... but she's like a troll around here. Every time she sees me, all she does is throw shade at me. Or make some stupid comments and or remarks.

For example, this morning she and Jason came down to breakfast half naked... again. She kept kissing him, with lots of tongue. Let's not forget her shading me. 'I can make you cum better than anyone else could ever make you'. Or 'You moaned my name so loud last night, everyone heard it'. Like girl calm down, first of all I don't think he came a lot in her mouth. And second of all he didn't moan her name at all. Honey you're playing yourself. In my opinion breakfast was horrible and disgusting. Me and the guys had to get up and leave, when she started taking off one of Jason shirts, she had on. Showing her very fake breast.

Sheesh sex in the kitchen. Really? They just couldn't wait to go upstairs. Freaking horn dogs.

"So will you be making us cake? Or will you be giving us yours?" Moe asks from behind me, causing me to tense in fright. "Moe! Cut that out, I'll kill you before I let you hurt her." Cal turns around, pinning him to the wall.

Whoa protective Cal.

"Calm down man, I was kidding. I know she's your little play sister and Jason's girl." He speaks quickly and horse, since Cal is chocking him.You better know, she doesn't like hearing stuff like that." He slams Moe body one more time against the wall, staring dagger into his eyes.

I am too shocked to say anything, so I keep preparing the macaroni I am making for all of us I even checked the ham and turkey. Too afraid to say anything.

"Yeah I can see now." He croaks. I turned around to see Cal still chocking him. Okay that's enough. I don't want anyone dead on Thanksgiving, I would be a tragedy. "Cal let him go. It's okay, don't hurt anyone please." I pull his hands away from Moe's neck.

"Mal I just I want our friendship back to the way it was. And these guys rude comments want help that." He sighs in defeat. "It's okay. I knew Moe was kidding." I lie, hoping he believes me.

"Yeah?" He widens his eyes in pure astonishment. "Yes." I nod, taking out a couple of cake plates. "Now Moe, get over here and help me make the chocolate cake. And stop staring at my flat non existent one." I laugh in a jokingly way, watching him come over to help me.

"It's defiantly not flat. What in the hell type of girl are you?" Moe quizzes, bumping his hip with mine. I ignore his flirtatious comment. "A nice one, who's cooking food for ten very horny men. Oh and that Yo Yo chick." I say her nickname like it was a piece of trash.

"What the hell is a 'Yo Yo'? Why did Jason give her that nickname?" Cal adds, as he mixes in the cornbread mix in a pot. "I don't know, maybe he should call her Ho Ho." I joke, which resulted in Moe and Cal laughing like two silly kids.

"That was a good one Mal Pal." Cal side hugs me. "Thank you, thank you,  I try." I bow in a curtsy way.

We were laughing and joking around so much, the other guys came in looking all confused. Of course we shared with them our corny nicknames for that poor woman. I also got them to help me cook! Who would've thought I could get these dudes in aprons. Although Alex refused, and decided to watch the guys in amusement.

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