Chapter 51

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Malarie's POV

"Last but certainly not least, to share their poem. Is Miss Malarie Dawson." My wonderful English teacher, Ms. Martin called me up.

We were sharing poems with the class today. I absolutely hate talking in big crowds- just public speaking at that. But for a grade, I have do what I have to do. I hesitantly stood up, my legs all shaky and weak. Pushing my glasses more on my face, I walk to the front of the class.

"Pregnant slut." Lexie March, fake coughed as she laughed along with her minions. I chose to ignore her remark, and try to read.

But does Malarie get what she wants? No I do not. She just kept whispering little remarks to her slutty friends. Which only caused me to shift on my feet more. I admit, I am showing a bit more now. And lots of people look at me differently. Some look at me surprised, because I never talk in class. Then boom I'm here walking the halls pregnant.

I am one of those students, who just does her work in the back of the class. I would have stayed that way, if it wasn't for my best friend Cierra. She literally told her fake cheer sisters, that she was going to be an auntie. Of course they asked who her sister was. She had said it was me, then everyone started talking. A lot of mess talking at that.

It's so bad, I can't even walk the halls without hearing my name. Or how I don't know who my child's father is. If they only knew who my baby's dad was. They wouldn't be talking so much smack about me. Jason can literally take this whole school out. And he will. If I told him what I've been going through, these past couple of weeks. But I won't.

"Malarie, whenever you're ready, you may begin." Ms. Martin, gave me a warm smile. She's my buddy during lunch, and nutrition time... now.

I cleared my throat, holding my paper up to my face. Trying to shield the intense stares on me. And my little bump, poking out my dress.

"Um, my poem is called 'More Than You'll Ever Know." I inhaled a shaky breath, blowing it back out.

"More than you'll ever know, I do love you. More than you'll ever know, I do need you. I WANT you... More than you'll ever know. I never WANTED anyone but you. I need you more than you'll ever know. I just want you BACK and I MISS you. All I want is you. More than you'll ever know. The first time I saw you. The first time I met you, I loved you more than you'll ever know. All I ever wanted was you. NOBODY but you. More than you'll ever know, I do love you. More than you'll ever know. I do NEED you. FOREVER and ever. MORE than YOU'LL ever know."

I pulled the paper away from my face, indicating that I was finished reading my poem. My teacher had tears in her eyes, as she looked at me in such astonishment. I couldn't help, but tear my gaze from her. That when a round of claps were sounded all throughout the classroom. In pure shock, I looked up seeing my fellow classmates clapping.

"Extraordinary job Malarie. I am very proud of you. I know you had quite the difficulty writing it. But you nailed it girl." She rubbed my shoulder, before I walked back to my seat.

Damn it Ms. Martin, you know you know hate being put in the spot.

It's true what she said. I did have quite some difficulty writing it. It's about my dad and Jason, put in one poem. Of course you can tell which parts are about my daddy, and others are about Jason. Most of the top half of my poem consist of my missing for my father. The bottom portion is dedicated to my love for Jason. I just want the two men in my life, to t least like one another. For their own sake.

I refuse to go to a funeral, where both the men I love, clawed each other's eyeballs out.

English class went on fairly well. So did the rest of my classes. Lunch was the absolute same. Me hanging out with my favorite home girl, aka my English teacher, Ms. Martin. I've been spending most of my time in here, for the past week now. It's actually pretty cool. She talks a lot about the world, and how traveling is exciting. I want to travel now. All her stories, have made me quite eager.

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