Chapter 31

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Jason's POV

"How about this one? Do you think Cal will like this shirt?" Malarie asked, holding up a shirt that said 'I like Crazy Ratchet Girls. I just shrugged, ready to go home.

We've been out shopping for her presents, for the rest of the gang. For hours, like three plus. I've been being the nicest boyfriend, holding all their gifts for her. Not seeing one thing for me. I mean I know she wouldn't bring me along with her. But she hasn't once asked me what I would like. Or hinted out anything.

I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, and moan and pout about it. Because in reality, I don't deserve anything from her. I would like it, if she showed me some type of affection though. All day she has been shooing me away, or calling me mean names. Like, crazy, stupid, dumb, butt face, and jackass under her breath. She's so caught up in getting stuff for the gang. She's being mean to me in the process.

I would go to kiss her, and she would mover her head. Saying 'Jason stop' or 'Jason we're in public'. Like us kissing in public, hasn't stopped us before. I admit I'm a little jealous. You would be too, if your boyfriend or girlfriend was ignoring you. And being a bit mean to you.

"Ugh! Jason you're not even trying to help me. You are so not fun to shop with." She rolled her eyes. Picking up another shirt. Heading towards the jeans section for men.

I will let that attitude and eye roll go. I swear if she does it again, I'm going to check her about it.

"I'm just tired that's all." I tried defending myself, from her rudeness.

"Well why did you even insist on taking me? You know Cal already had suggested on accompanying me. It would had been better if he came anyway. You are no help." She rolled those sexy eyes once again. Picking up a pair of ripped skinny jeans. Looking them over.

I rubbed my chin. Not mad, but a little hurt that she wanted Cal to go with her. "I wanted to take you, because it's my boyfriend duties to do so." I leaned against the shirt racks. "But I guess you like him better than me. Here's my card, by them all the stuff you like." I handed her my bank card. Picking up the many of bags, and walked away. Not really caring if she ran away or not. I mean I do care, it's just I need some fresh air.

I walked out of American Apparel, going to the food court. I still had my dark sunglasses on. Keeping up my undercover act. I headed over to the Mexican restaurant Chile Verde. In dyer need of some food. I haven't ate lunch yet.

I walked inside, being grinned at from many elderly people. Along with women, ravaging me with their intense gazes. I walked to to the short line, waiting to order my food.

"Hi welcome to Chile Verde. What would you like to order today?" A goofy looking girl asked me. "Uh thanks. I um... let me get two Carne Asada soft shell tacos. The Burrito Especial, and the Enchilada plate. Thank you." I ordered my food. Not ashamed I'm buying all of it for me.

"Okay. Would you like a drink with that?" The girl asked me overly energetically. Damn is this girl on caffeine? She is way too excited.

"Yeah sure, can I get a large Horchata drink please? Thank you." I spoke as politely as I could. "Of course. Would that complete your order sir?" I nicely smiled. Nodding my head 'yes'.

"Okay your total is twenty dollars and twenty nine cent. Would you like it to go?" She spoke, while drumming her hands on the counter.

"Cool beans. Yeah I'll take it to go. All I have is a hundred. I hope this place accepts larger bills." I handed her the money, seeing her nod. "Here's your change sir." She tried handing me the money. I shook my head. Pushing her skinny extended hand back.

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