Chapter 41

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Jason's POV

I heard my phone ring, as I run on the treadmill. I know who it is, I'm just not going to answer. She has been calling me nonstop all week. Malarie wanted me finally to get out of her life, so I'm gone. All connections cut off.

It's officially been a week and four days, since I last talked to her. It's truly hurting me to stay away, but that's what she wants. I even let her go back to her family. So what would she possibly want with me now?

"Seriously Jason, you're really going to ignore Malarie's calls? Then band us from answering her as well. You're childish bro. It could be important." Cal nagged as he worked out alongside me.

"She broke up with me, so why would I call her back? This is what she wants man." I stopped running, heading over to the punching bag.

"Look bro... we all know you miss her, so just call her." Ryan stopped what he was doing, to hold the punching bag.

"No, I'm not a pussy... I refuse to beg her. I tired and it didn't work."

"So you are just going to give up? Should I remind you, that you nearly killed Jacob yesterday?" Alex dumb ass jumped into the conversation.

"Is this, let's pick on Jason day? Damn! Jake... man you know I didn't mean to strangle you. It's just you said a snarky comment about Malarie's boobs an-" He interrupted me.

"I know Jason, but I told you already I don't like her. She's like a sister to me. We know she's yours man."

"Yeah I know that now." I hung my head low, nodding in response. "Man you have to quit doing that." I lifted my head up, confusingly looking at Ryan.

He pointed to my lacerations on my wrist. Which only made me turn my arms around, embarrassed that they're all battered and bruised. Sometimes pain is the only way, I can cope with depression in my life.

It's sad to say, but the entire time Malarie didn't answer one of my calls or text, I would slide a knife against my skin. The guys wouldn't had found out, if it wasn't for Ryan catching me in the bathroom, snitching me out to everyone.

"I stopped doing it already." I walked over to a bench, taking a seat. "Yeah, and I'm Prince Harry. Come on man, that's not the way."

"I know I just-I just miss her bro." Hating to let the tears well up in my eyes. Though they did. He smacked me on my shoulder, murmuring "I know you do."


As I stand under the spray, I hear loud sounds of thunder, roaring outside. It literally have been raining, all day long. It's still January, so what do I expect.

The wounds on my arms, hurt as water pellets cascade on them. The pain, reminding me why I've done it in the first place. I so much want to take her away from her family. But I'm also pissed off at her. If I saw Malarie right now, I wouldn't say anything to her.

"JASON? MAN OPEN UP!" Alex yelled frantically, outside my bathroom door. "Do you not know what privacy is? I'm cleaning my dick man!" I shouted, angry I've been interrupted.

"You have someone here to see you asshole!" Irritation clearly in his tone of voice. "Well who the fuck is it? Tell them to go home."

"You know what? Whenever your selfish ass get out, just know your girlfriend is here! Soaking wet, and crying her eyes out." He banged on the door one last time, before leaving.

My girlfriend! What the hell is she even doing here? I thought we were broken up. And why did she even come here at night, in the rain? So many questions run throughout my mind.

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