Chapter 37

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Malarie's POV

"SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKA!!" Jason and I turned around looking wide eyed at each other.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jason scoffed. "For her." Cal pointed to me cockily.

"DAD!!! Oh my goodness! What are you doing here? How did you even get here?" I squealed, running into his arms.

He picked me up, twirling me around in his arms. All while I laughed uncontrollably. "Put me down Cal." I whined through fits of laughter.

"Never Mal... never!" He chuckled, still spinning us around. "I'm going to barf all over you weirdo!" He quickly stopped, placing me back on my feet.

I stumbled almost loosing my footing. I would have, if it wasn't for Jason holding me up. "Be careful Malarie." He steadied me. "Thank you Jase." I kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome. Cal what the hell are you doing her-" He was cut off by yelling, and a car pulling up.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALARIE!" The rest of the guy's shouted out the car.

I instantly grew excited, breaking free of Jason's grip. I squealed, jumping up and down clapping my hands.

"Oh my, oh my! Jason did you plan for them to come here?" I questioned, grinning widely. "What the fuck? Hell no I didn't, invite them out with us." He rudely spoke, glaring at the boys.

"Well that's okay, they can just hang out with us in the club." I suggested, looping my arm with Cal's.

"I guess." He shrugged uncaringly. I squinted my eyes, trying to read his unreadable expression. Yet I couldn't quite see through him.

"Babe are you okay?" I un-looped my arm from my best friend, walking over to my Jason. "Ecstatic." Sarcasm, lacing his words, as he walked away from me.

"Don't worry about it birthday girl, he's just a bit jealous." Alex snickered in my ear.

I don't want him to feel jealous. I didn't even know the guys were coming.

We all headed towards the long line, waiting to get inside. Although we bypassed everyone, heading straight to the front of the line.

"Hey you assholes, the line starts back there." Some guy along with his friends, pointed to the back of the line.

"Yeah we know, but um thanks for letting us know." Ryan spoke for all of us. "Like seriously dude, you all are cutting the damn line. You need to wait like everyone else." The guy raised his voice up another octave.

"Fuck off... because unlike you, we have connections fucker." Jason spat. "Let's go y'all." He motioned us towards a bodyguard, who was holding the door open for us.

I stay quiet, and firmly pressed into Cal's side. Due to me being a nervous wreck. I dislike confrontation, or any type of violence.

I'm legit hanging out with criminals, who probably have multiple weapons on them. I know Jason does.

We head inside, where music is blasting loudly, and people dryly humping on the dance floor. The flickering of brightly lit lights, nearly blinding me as we walk pass the crowded dance floor.

"This is awesome!" I yell over the music. "He yeah it is." Cal screamed back, along with others mumbling agreements.


"Happy birthday to you." All of the weirdos, finished singing to me. I'm just kidding, the gang is not that weird... only a selective few.

"Thank you guys!" I blew out my candles, on my cupcakes, Jacob had snuck them in for me. Cal, Jacob, Za, and Chris are my favorites!

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