Chapter 57

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Malarie's POV

"Are you both positive on adopting Natasha Russo? As you know, it is a big responsibility to do so." The nice lady, named Ms. Pierson spoke to Jason and I. As she typed away on her computer.

"We're sure." I rested my hand on my tummy, as I kept getting small kicks upon it. "What about you sir?" She eyed Jason, who was actually dressed nicely today.

He was wearing a nice black button down shirt, with dark blue jeans, paired with some black Vans. An amazing approach, to win over his and my adopted daughter. I decided on my own that we should adopt her as our child. I know what it feels like to be put in a foster home- it's no fun.

There were many individuals who didn't want me to help adopt her... my family. Then there were others telling me to go for it. As better known as, my tutor, Cal, my conscience, Jason, and my brother Jaden. I went along, doing what Jesus would do. That is helping out someone in need. Natasha was in need.

With many ground rules for Jason, he agreed to them all. Meaning, he can't put his hands on me anymore- I highly doubt he will listen. But we'll just have to see. He's also agreed, not to curse in front of Tasha, argue with me- in front of her, and just be kind to others. I also grew a pair of boobies, and told him off about his threatening to take our son away from me. He says he was kidding around, but it felt so real. It scared me to think he would take our boy.

"I am most certainly sure about our adopting Natasha. I am ready for her to be my daughter- to care for her, to the best of my abilities." Jason spoke with so much intelligence, even if he had his Ray Bans on.

"Well okay then, let's get this process going. Mr. And Mrs. McCann I need your signatures." Jason signed his messy signature, passing the paper to me.

This is so against the court of law, because we're not even married. But somehow Jason got a hookup, on a fake marital license for us. I quickly signed my signature, handing the paperwork back to Ms. Pierson.

"After two very long agonizing weeks, you both get to take your little girl home. You two are one of the luckier ones." I frowned, so did Jason. She laughed at both of our confused expressions.

"Usually, some of the adoptions take way longer. Some being the longest of years and so on. Natasha is such a lucky little girl, to have you both." We both smiled, replying a "thank you" in unison.

- End of Flashback -

"Daddy Jase Jase?" I heard Natasha call out. "Hm?" Jason answered, too engrossed with the drawing he was doing on one side of my belly. "Can I put a rainbow here?" She poked a spot on my tummy, as I read my book.

"Oh yeah, make a big one there. Make sure it's really pretty, okay?" She giggled cutely, mumbling a "mhm".

It's been a three weeks since we adopted Natasha, and she's been such a good girl. She's respectful, smart, goofy, and adorably cute. I am now twenty seven weeks, that's seven months- only two more months to go. I finally graduated high school... a bit later than most, but I got my diploma. Since I received my diploma in July, I couldn't walk the stage in June. It's all good, at least I made it.

It's now the second week of August, and it's so very hot out. I am so grateful, for air conditioning, and glorious fans. I would probably be super hot and complaining, all the time. I can't wait until our little boy comes out. Jason and Tasha can't wait either. They're always talking, singing, and reading, to my belly. Let's not forget the constant poking.

Jason and I also got a place of our own, during the two week wait for Natasha. It's a really nice house- well mansion if you want to be all technical about it. Jason just had to have a huge home, with electronic, and remote control everything. It's an ten bedroom, ten bathroom house, with a pool, Jacuzzi, six car garage, and a playground in the backyard. There's other things included but I can't remember them all. I'll just ask Jason, or look at the house map.

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