Chapter 62

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Malarie's POV

"Do you want another one of your throat lozenges? Or some more orange juice?" I asked a sick Jason in bed. He weakly shook his head, making me feel so bad.

It's all my fault he's sick. I dared him to stay in the pool all night, to prove he was really sorry. I didn't think his dumb ass would do it. He had to keep wetting his hair to stay warm. I tried getting him out of there many of times, he just refused to come out. Being all paranoid, and afraid, I didn't get much sleep. I kept thinking he was going to fall asleep, and drown. Checking on him more times than I could ever remember. I even turned up the heat in the pool, just so he was warmer, and a bit comfortable.

The way he looked this morning scared the hell out of me. I thought he was the walking dead. He wore dark circles under his eyes, along with his plump lips... being blue. His skin was all wrinkling, and old looking. He just stood in the water like a zombie, looking back at me wide eyed. His teeth were chattering like crazy, and he kept repeating the word "nom nom." Which only freaked me out more.

A complete and utter panic attack, surged through my whole entire body. Causing me to scream, like a damn maniac. All that did was wake up the whole house. Pattie wanted to call the paramedics, but Alex called a doctor to come over instead. When my Cal Pal saw how Jason looked, he screamed in a high pitched tone, passing out. That made everyone chuckle. Soon full blown laughing. Once we saw he was shaking like a fish out of water. He wasn't having a seizure- that's just what he does when he passes out.

Blowing his nose, Jason smiled dimly at me. "I'm fine Q-tip, can you just massage my skin? I still look like a prune." He coughed, wincing at the pain in his chest.

"I don't mind doing that. I hate seeing you sick. You damn fool, I told you I was just kidding. Always trying to prove something." I get on the bed, massaging his legs first. My poor boyfriend has a case of Hypothermia; as well as a horrible cold.

"I just wanted to prove to you, that I was sorry. I knew you were kidding, but I still wanted to do it." His body began to shiver. I quickly covered him up more. "See, when you do things like that... it makes it very hard to stay mad at you." I massaged his thighs through the blankets, making sure to be gentle.

"I'm sorry, I was just upset. I waited for you to come home. When you didn't come, I had a gang meeting- to push the thought of you lying to me, away. I was very worried- I swear I was going to have a search party, out for you and my son." I playfully rolled my eyes at his silliness.

"I wasn't lying to you. Although I should've called you. You know, to let you know me and Jacob was fine. I apologize for that." He blew his nose once more, making it all red. "I'm sorry too." A nasty cough, coming from his mouth. "I'm sorry I went off on you like that. I guess me being sick, is kind of like the dog house, huh?" He asked unsurely, as I nodded.

His voice sounding all nasally and cracked. I couldn't stop the giggle, that escaped from my mouth. His little face showed nothing but embarrassment. It was almost too cute, not to take a picture. His nose was all red, his eyes droopy, and his little lip all pouted. He looked just like a little puppy.

"Aw, keep your face like that. I just have to take a picture." Another fit of unwanted giggles emerged from my mouth.

Leaning over Jason's blanket covered body. I retrieved my charging phone, on his night stand. Quickly flicking to my camera icon, I took over several pictures of him. Some of the pictures were of him with his yes closed. All because I forgot to take the flash off.

"Mal turn off the flash, you're blinding my eyes." He croaked, covering his eyes. "Oops, my bad." I took one last picture of him, tossing my phone on the night stand. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" Rubbing my finger along his bottom lip, I waited for his answer.

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