Chapter 47

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Malarie's POV

"There are so many rides to choose from. We can ride most of the rides together except, Autotopia, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Indiana Jones Adventure, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Star Tours, Gadgets Go Coaster, and the most fun one... Tower of Terror." I mumbled, reading the map of the park. As I ate my green apple.

"Well why can't you get on those rides with me?" I inwardly face palmed, at Jason's very self-explanatory question. "Jason, I'm pregnant remember? Now if you want to go on them, I don't mind."

"Oh yeah, I just er- just forgot." He adorably giggled. "What? You forgot about cumming inside of me." I teased, running my fingers up and down his chest.

He groaned, with a pained expression on his adorable face. "Stop. If you don't want to be dragged back to our room, so I can fuck you." He rasped lowly in my ear. He's always horny.

"Quit." I pushed his face away from my neck, glancing at the map once more. "Now if you like, we can go to the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters first. It's close. I think you will like that one. And it says here in the manual that pregnant women can ride it." I looked up, seeing Jason eating a Cookies N Cream Hershey's bar.

I warned him about eating so much! We literally just had breakfast... about fifteen minutes ago. He already put two stacks of pancakes away. Along with other side dishes. I wouldn't be surprised if he craps on himself, or gets sick.

"Jason can you please stop with the junk food. We just had breakfast not too long ago." I huffed, pulling him in the direction of our first ride.

I made us wake up extra early, since the park opens up at eight. He of course, complained and groaned about it being way too early for his eyes. But he doesn't know yet, that it gets crowded here. I've been here about four times, so I know.

"I'm a grown ass man Malarie. I don't need a babysitter, or a person trying to be my damn mom. I haven't had one in a long time." Ouch! I nodded, continuing to pull us along.

He'll apologize sooner or later.

There were already lots of people out and about, and it's only five minutes after eight. I felt Jason grip, on my hand tightened as we passed a group of teenage boys.

Please don't mess with me, I don't need him spanking anyone else. Or hurting someone... deadly.

Walking to the slowly becoming crowed line, of the Buzz Lightyear ride. Jason and I made our way to the front. We were about fifteen people behind. Not too bad for a ride, that's usually estimated as a forty five minute wait.

As I read through the map once more, I felt Jason rest his chin on top of my head. He securely wrapped his hands around my waist. I inwardly grinned, because I know him so well. I stay quiet, trying not acknowledge his firm muscular chest pressed against my back. He will talk, just wait on it.

"Baby I apologize for going off on you like that. I know you're only trying to look out for me. Please don't stay mad at me." He knelt his head down, looking into my eyes. He probably looks like a giraffe right now.

"I'm not mad at you, I know you like candy and sweets. I just don't want you to get a tummy ache. Or worst get sick."

"I'm a big boy, I won't get sick. I do like that you're worrying about me though." He pecked my nose, then continued on to give me several Eskimo kisses.

The line proceed to move forward, still filling up with loads of people. Jason kept munching on our snacks, in his Gucci backpack I got him for Christmas. This boy is going to get sick. I just know it.

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