Chapter 30

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Malarie's POV

I was awaken by grunts, and water pouring out of some kind. It was coming from the bathroom. I glanced at the clock, it read 3:47 am. I then looked at the other side of the bed. Jason wasn't there. I heard him cry out in pain. I quickly threw the covers back, jumping out the bed to head to the bathroom.

I walked to the slightly opened bathroom door. Jason was kneeling over the toilet. Throwing up violently. I gasped, stepping inside the room. I almost instantly grabbed his attention.

"Bab-I mean Malarie, leave I don't want you to see me like this." He croaked, vomiting once again.

"I'm not leaving you like this." I walked over to his shaking body. Dropping to my knees, rubbing his back soothingly. "It's okay, get it out."

"B-baby, it h-hurts s-so m-much." He stuttered all while, puking up last night's dinner. I could tell... I saw the pasta and vegetables.

"I know. But you will feel better once it all comes out." I continued rubbing my hands on his sweaty bare back.

He proceeded to hurl up everything inside his stomach. I even saw a few pieces of his gum in the toilet. I told him about swallowing gum. He knows it's not good to do so. He had finally finished. Jason was breathing heavy, along with being exhausted.

He literally puked his guts out, for fifteen whole minutes. I would be tired as well.

"Are you finished?" I asked, all while holding his body weight in my arms. He had fallen back on me, when he was done throwing up. "Y-yes." He spoke tiredly.

"Let's brush your teeth, so you can get some rest." I suggested. Rubbing small, gentle circles on his sweaty chest. "My body hurts. Everything hurts." He cried, letting the tears fall.

"Okay lovely, let me try to find some pain meds. Okay?" He weakly nodded his head.

I shimmied my way from under him. Standing up, walking over to his long counter. I looked through the drawers, searching for any type of pain meds. I found Ibuprofen, with Jason's name on it. I set the pill bottle on the sink counter. Going over to his toothbrush, to place toothpaste on it.

"Jase I have your pain medication. But I need your help, to stand you up to the toilet. Alright?"

"Mhm." He looked at me with his eyes half open. I could literally see the sweat dripping off his forehead. He definitely has a fever.

I walked over to his weak presence. I bent down wrapping my hands firmly around his body. Trying to pull his heaviness up. "Jasey you have to try to push up." I struggled.

He pushed himself up, as I pulled the rest of the way. I tugged so hard, I slammed my back against the counter. "Ouch." I hissed, rubbing my lower back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He apologized, barely able to hold his head up.

"Hey it's not your fault. You're just muscular that's all." I chuckled.

I walked him over to the toilet, closing the lid. I set him down, feeling his hot head. I handed him two pain killers, and a glass of water. Yes, he keeps a cup in the bathroom.

"Those should start kicking in soon." I spoke, while running cold water on a towel. "This is going feel cold, but it will lower your temperature."

I soothingly placed the towel behind his neck, dabbing ever so gently. He groaned, placing his head on my stomach. I let him do it... only because he's clearly sick.

After following him to his man cave four days ago. We both are still not on "couple terms". I haven't touched him since then. I know it's hurting him, not to touch me at night, or any other time. But he knows the consequences, if he disobeys what I said. I have allowed him to sleep at the top of the bed with me. Sharing one blanket together. He already knows not to get too close, or cuddle me. He moans and groans every night I reject him. I feel bad I do, but he needs to learn his lesson.

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