Chapter 12

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Jason's POV

She held me, she held me with so much love. I don't know why she held me like that, but she did. She also hugged me with so much love, and care. I'm still pissed off at myself for crying in front of her, like a wuss. But in a way I'm not, she didn't complain or judge me. That's why I love her... even if she doesn't love me back. I swear on my life, she will love me. I just know it. I still can't believe that was yesterday, it feels like so long ago.

"Hey how's the cookies going?" I asked a very concentrated Malarie, rolling the cookie dough. "It's going pretty well, how's the Fettuccini going?" She giggled, stopping what she was doing. Just to watch me chop up my vegetables.

"For your information it's Chicken Fettuccini, and it's going great as hell." I cockily smirked, but got interrupted by a multiple flashing lights. I quickly turned to Malarie... holding my phone in her hands. "Baby what are you doing with my phone? Are you trying to call someone?" I asked skeptically, placing my knife down, walking towards her.

"No, Jason I wasn't calling anyone." She sighed. "Uh huh, I don't want any more lies Malarie. Give me my damn phone, I don't trust you." I snatched my phone out her hands, glaring at her.

"Well I don't trust you either, but I wasn't doing anything wrong." She rolled her eyes, getting back to her cookie making.

Ugh she is so fucking cute. But so damn mouthy, and stubborn as hell.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, before a take one out with this knife here." I spat, chopping up the rest of my vegetables loud and hard.

A few minutes passed with us just being silent, preparing our meals for dinner tonight. All could be heard were my heavy breathing, and my knife cutting up the vegetables. Oh and her mumbling words... that I so happily couldn't hear. God only knows what I would do to her, if I hear what she is saying.

"What did that celery and onions ever do to you?" She questioned glaring at me. I growled at her, taking deep breaths. "Baby I'm going to act like I didn't hear that. I saw you on my phone, so let's just forget about it, yeah? Before one of us gets mad and the other gets hurt." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Fine... I was actually taking a pictures of you. I thought you looked nice being all focused and stuff." She mumbled, looking away.

Look at your phone Jason, I'm sure she wouldn't lie about that.

Stab her... stab her straight through the heart.

Didn't we just tell her to be quiet?

"Shut up." I shouted out loud, tapping my right foot frantically on the tiled floor. "Okay, I'm sorry." She whispered, popping her premade cookies in one of the ovens.

"N-no not you. Uh inside here." I pointed to my fucked up head. "Oh, alright." She gave me a small smile, going to the sink to wash her doughy hands off.

"Um, what you said just a minute ago... y-you were really taking pictures of me?" I asked, mixing our food together. "Yes, I was taking pictures of you. I wasn't calling anyone, you can check your recent calls if you still don't believe me." She shrugged, going inside the refrigerator pulling out some Coca Cola.

"And what if you deleted the number." I tested. Probably getting on her last nerves. "Well if you think I have super fingers to dial and delete a number, so be it." She shrugged drinking her soda.

I pulled my phone out my pocket, going straight to the pictures. And she was telling the truth. She did take pictures of me, nice ones at that. I inwardly punched myself in the jaw... she was telling the truth. I looked up at her, she was faced towards the oven, bending down looking at her cookies.

Neurotic (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now