Chapter 38

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Malarie's POV

I am awaken by several loud farting sounds. Snapping me out my very deep sleep. I turn around to see where it is coming from. But I'm securely wrapped up in Jason's arms.

I thought we made it clear he sleeps on the couch! He's been doing that for the last couple of days.

"Jason move." I tapped his arm roughly. There was silence, all except his quiet snores.

I tapped him again. His grip just got tighter around me. He even had the nerve to cup my breast. "Jason let me go. I'm mad at you."

"No I'm tired and I'm cold." He mumbled in my hair. "I don't care go put some real clothes on, instead of just underwear. Now get off me, I don't want to talk to you. Don't make me stay mad at you longer." I spoke sternly, shoving him away.

He let go of me, moving to his side of the bed. Not before mumbling 'bitch' under his breath. It's been four days, since we actually talked. After we had that argument the night at the club, we just had a bigger one the next day.

Which resulted in me throwing a heel at his head, accidentally cutting him. I was so afraid, of what he might do to me, I ran out the house. Not knowing where to go. I had decided on going to a local clinic and getting on birth control. I love Canada, the medical treatment is free here.

I had stayed out that whole day, dreading going back home. I didn't answer any of his calls or messages. I even turned off my phone. Knowing him, he would had tracked me.

When I got home around eleven after, I was in deep poop. Let's just say angry sex 3.0... in every one of my openings. It was painful, though not as painful as my first couple of times with him. Then boom, his stupidity of releasing in my eye, turned into yet another one of our arguments. That crap burns.

"I don't want us to be mad at each other anymore. So we're going to go home, make up, and start over." He stated, instead of apologizing to me.

"No. I am going back to my family. Whereas you are going back to being a thug criminal." I scoffed getting up from the bed.

I heard the springs in the mattress move, followed by footsteps. I slowly turned around, instantly shying away. He intimidatingly towered over me, smirking cockily. He knows I'm afraid of him. I gulped looking away from him.

"You're not leaving me. Plus the tutor I hired for you, is coming on Monday. So you have to stay with me." He smirked as if he won this battle.

"You can always cancel the tutoring service. You know since you paid him good money... to keep quiet about you and my kidnapping." I shot back.

He went to say something, though I sidestepped him and went into the bathroom. I need a much needed shower. Some time alone to think.


As I was washing my hair, my mind went into memory mode. Of course my reminiscing had to involve Jason. I hate when I do that. It makes me want to forgive him right away.

- Flashback-

"How do I pass again? I'm no good at hockey. I can't even stand up without falling on my booty." I whined for the millionth time today.

Jason is trying to teach me how to play hockey, but I'm horrible at sports. All except softball and basketball.

"Babe try to balance. To pass, you want the puck to roll off your hockey blade... from the heel to the toe. You have to use a sweeping motion to roll the puck." He skated on the ice pro like, demonstrating how to pass and score.

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