Chapter 39

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Malarie's POV

Two weeks later: Wednesday

Beep Beep Beep.

My alarm clock went off annoyingly. I groaned, turning over to shut it off. I pressed the off button, though it didn't shut up. So I did what any sleep deprived person would do. I ripped it from the wall, throwing it on the floor. Sheesh violent much?

I throw my legs over the bed, slowing getting up. Today would be another one of the days, I wake up with an excruciating headache. I have been getting them since last week. They are super painful, to the point I have to take pain killers to put me asleep.

I grabbed my phone off the charger, checking if I had any messages, calls, or emails. Since I'm a senior- a very far behind senior at that. I have to frequently check to see if colleges have emailed me.

It was the usual. My best friend Cierra, texting me a cute good morning text. We are like so lesbo... I'm totally kidding. But she's my best friend in the whole wide world. Then there was the hundreds of calls, and text from Jason. Which I completely ignored, like the others.

Cierra was extremely happy when I had called her, explaining I was home for good. Of course she fired off many of questions and concerns. So did my family. My dad went completely insane when he saw my face. I guess he was too caught up in the moment hugging me, to even look at my face.

Although it wasn't as bad, as my face has been in the past. I just had a split lip, with a bruise on either side of my cheeks. Let's not forget the hickeys all over my breast. Now my private parts were a different story.

My vagina was a bit red afterwards, followed by a itchy feeling. God I just hope he didn't give me an STD. I had also saw few droplets of blood in my underwear. Which made me nearly faint. I had checked myself making sure nothing felt ripped. I assumed, he just stretched my vagina out a bit more. So I didn't think nothing of it.

I went into my in-room bathroom, still holding my phone in my hand. I decided on calling Cierra as I did my morning routine. She wouldn't care if I talked on the the phone with her, a I was pooping. We do it all the time.

"What's up my sexy bitch?" Cierra yelled through the speaker. "Hey what's up?" I chuckled, as I relieved my bladder.

"Nothing much! I just need sex... it's like legit everything to me." She groaned loudly. It's not everything, trust me. "Stop that... you and your boyfriend aren't having any?" I curiously replied, washing my face now.

"I'm on my period. You know I go a whole week. I wish I was irregular like you Mal." I nodded my head, even though she couldn't see me.

"Being irregular is not fun at all. The constant cramping, and waiting for your period to come, is just... ugh! It's a damn hassle." I admitted, looking at my bag filled eyes.

"Well miss irregular, since it's such a hassle, have you gotten it yet?" She asked. "No, and that's why I call it a huge hassle. It should be coming in a couple of days though. I have been having killer headaches, cramps, and a bit of spotting. That's the only thing I hate about the waiting process." I mumbled as I brushed my teeth.

"Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. Do you want me to pick you up?" She politely offered. "No girly, my mom and dad insists on taking me to school for the rest of the year now."

"Hell yeah! I would too, if my loving daughter got kidnapped twice! Who even is the creepy asshole? I know you were lying, you're a horrible liar." She probed angrily.

That creep is my ex-boyfriend. Or boyfriend in his case. "Just some guy, who took me Cierra." I assured her, lying through my teeth.

I feel bad for not telling my best friend about Jason. I just couldn't muster up enough courage to do so. I know she would literally chew me out, about the whole situation.

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