Chapter 13

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Malarie's POV

"Ow! Ow! Jason let me go, you're hurting me!" I screamed, as Jason dragged me to a room that had  'Situation Room' engraved in the door.

It must not be a nice room, because the guys kept telling Jason 'no' or 'to think about his decisions he was making'. I am beyond scared now. All he keeps on saying is I lied or I'm a liar. He threw me on the ground, causing me to yelp out in pain. I got a warning look from Jason, which was menacingly. I didn't move a or make a peep. Seeing that I was on his bad side once again.

"You're such a fucking liar! So now, you have to pay. I don't know why I give you so many chances, but I do." He mumbled, looking through drawers frantically.

I stay in place, watching him curse my name. Along with throwing stuff everywhere. As well as hitting me every now and then- when he thought about something. I tried to suck up his hits, and try not to cry like a baby. But I'm weak compared to him, and I don't see myself fighting him back.

Well not today that is.

"I'm going to kill her. No I can't do that, I love her. Maybe I'll amputate one of her legs." He rambles to himself, still searching, and trashing the room. "Jason, n-no please don't cut off my legs." I spoke nervously without even thinking.

"Do you want me to do it now?" He asked coldly, glaring his darkly tent filled eyes at me. "No." I whisper, looking away from his angry, disgusted face.

"Then I suggest you shut your lying, bitch ass up." He slapped my face, but not hard to cause me pain. But enough to show me, he meant what he said.

He grabbed my arms firmly placing handcuffs over them. I looked at him confusingly, which just resulted in an eye roll from Jason.

"They are so you won't escape, my little snitching baby." I inhale in a shaky breath, looking at how he put the tight cuffs on me. "I-I didn't tell anyone-" I started but he cut me off.

"Are you still going to lie to my motherfucking face...I got other people to keep an eye on you, and I have cameras and speakers as well. So let's just tell the truth for once in your stupid life." He yelled in my face, smacking my thighs. I gulped shaking my head. "Okay J- Jason." Licking my dry lips, I stay quiet.

Several deadly silent minutes went by, of just Jason setting up some sort of machine on a table. I kept looking at his hurt, angry, disappointed face. I just wanted to talk to my parents- it's been too long. Daddy kept urging me to give up the location. I never gave any of the guy's names, I didn't even give up this stupid mansions location! I told my father it was a mansion deep in the woods on the Northern side of Nevada. The gang's mansion is deep in the southern part of Nevada. If he was really eavesdropping he would had heard everything I was saying. I really did mean I wouldn't leave him.

Well, until he was all well and better.

"Get over here." Jason mumbled, standing next to the table and machine.

I walked over to the desk, still handcuffed. I took a seat in the chair he pointed to. Just then Ryan walked in, with wires and papers of some sort. I got nervous, so I did what any scared person would do.

"Jason are you going to blow me up? Please don't blow me up... I'm sorry, I won't say anything, please." He rolled his eyes, covering my mouth, motioning for Ryan to continue with whatever he would be doing.

"I'm not going to blow you up... I would never blow you up. I will beat your ass though, but never hurt or kill you in that way. Now my lovely friend here, is going to put these wires on you. So we can asked you a few questions, on this here lie detector machine." He explained, while pulling my hair into a ponytail. "It's all done bro." Ryan announced, adjusting a wire on my heart.

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