Chapter One - First Day.

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*AN - Hi, thank you for joining me on my newest fic! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Sexual themes up ahead, so all aboard. Please comment, vote and tell your friends! Love SK.*

"Fuck." You exhaled, slapping both hands against your steering wheel.

Your eyes snapped back and forth between the blaring red light of the traffic signal and the green font of your digital clock on the dashboard, that seemed to tick along faster than normal, almost mocking you. You sighed again, realising you were late for your first day.

A little while after you graduated college, your mom got sick. 

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (a-my-o-TROE-fik LAT-ur-ul skluh-ROE-sis), or ALS. A progressive nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss of muscle control. You'd researched every minute detail of the disease the day the doctor gave the diagnosis. You felt your heart shatter, knowing your mother would slowly deteriorate before your eyes.

You looked after her as best you could, but as her condition worsened and you struggled to provide, you realised you had no choice but to send her to a care home where she would be looked after permanently, and of course, places like that didn't come cheap.

Your dad was out of the picture, he left your mom before you were even born and once you turned 18 you tried to reach out to him but he never got back to you. It quickly dawned on you that you were very much alone in the world.

In order to pay for your mom's residential care, you applied for several jobs. After weeks of failed interviews and uncomfortable rejections, you finally landed a secretary position at First Order Limited. You didn't know much about the company, you'd only researched it a little before the interview, you knew it was a law firm, and it paid well, so it was a relief when you got offered the full time position.

But now it was your first day, and you were fucking late.

Once the traffic got moving you sped off and eventually got parked up in the high rise buildings private car park. You got out of the car, locked it, and ran as fast as your new high heels would let you into the enormous, modern building.

"Hello, Hi...It's my first day and I'm late, could you direct me," You pulled the small card out of your bag to remind yourself. "Mr. Hux's office?"

The elderly lady behind the front desk looked up at your from her oversized glasses and smiled softly, her face was kind, sympathetic. She nodded softly and you felt yourself relax. "Yes dear, floor 21, third door on the right." She said, in a calming tone, guiding her pointed finger to the elevator behind you.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Your eyes scanned her desk. "Miss Katana." You said, scrambling the paper back in your handbag and making your way to the elevator.

Your hands trembled slightly as you found the door to the office, there were no walls, only glass, and as you looked inside you saw a table surrounded by important looking men, and your boss, Mr. Hux sat at the foot of it, leaning back in his seat.

"Shit." You muttered. Not only were you late, but you were about to interrupt what looked like an important meeting. You knocked gently on the door, labelled with a gold sign, Armitage Hux engraved within it. You held your breath and turned the handle, letting yourself into the office as timidly as a mouse, all of the men's heads turned to you, frowning as they did so.

"Yes?" Mr. Hux snapped as he looked up at you, ruffling his fiery head of hair. He looked too young to have a name like Armitage. His expression softened as he took you in, his acidic, jade eyes hovered over your bare legs a little longer than you would have liked. You knew your skirt was too short but in a rush you had no chance to change it.

"Hi, uh, good morning Sir. I'm so sorry that I'm late. It's my first day today and I was told to report to you for my assignments." You blurted out, your mouth moving to fast for your brain. "I was running on time, but the traffic, you know what its like these days, and my car...well, it isn't exactly the fastest, I should probably get a new one soon because, I didn't...I,"

Hux held a finger up to his lips as you rambled. The other men laughed under their breaths around the table.

"Your assignments are on my desk," He said, straightening up in his chair. "I want them organised and put into alphabetical order by lunch. But before you do that, be a doll and go and get our coffee's will you? We're well over due."

"Oh, sure, yes Sir."

"Good. And just so you know, I do not accept lateness at this company. But seeing as it's your first say, and you wore such a nice skirt, I'll let you off this once." He chortled, rousing more laughter from the other men at the table.

Well, what a wonderful bunch of perverted assholes.

"Um, yes Mr. Hux. The lateness won't happen again." You said sheepishly.

You took the papers from his desk, noticing the several coffee orders scribbled on a piece of scrap paper and rolled your eyes.

"Don't take too long, sweetheart." One of the men said, you looked up and gave a painfully fake smile and scuttled back out of the office, taking a deep breath of relief, wishing you had worn pants instead.

The on site café was busy, you stood tapping your heel as you waited for the line to shrink. After a few minutes it was finally your turn, you gave the paper to the barista and she began making the 8 takeaway coffees for you. Once they were done she passed you a couple of trays and you juggled them in your hands as you went back to Hux's office.

You balanced the trays against your chest and stepped into the elevator, but the moment you took your first step, a severely tall man barged straight into you as he exited, you almost dropped every single coffee all over yourself, but luckily you had a firm grip on them. "Watch where you're going, you dumb fuck!" You seethed, grunting in frustration as the elevator doors closed, and the man didn't look back.

Hux and his gang of creeps were thankfully satisfied with their drinks, and you left his office quickly, making your way to your own desk. After a few minutes of navigating yourself around the 8th floor, you found it. You sat down, placing your bag beside you on the ground, and set up a picture of you and your mom next to your computer.

Finally you had some space.

You managed to get through all of the paperwork by the time lunch rolled around, being Mr. Hux's assistant required a lot of dull tasks, but you had already disappointed yourself more than once today and you weren't willing to fail on your work too. You needed this job, more than anyone here would ever understand.

You followed some of the other staff members as they walked off to get lunch, trying to memorize your way around the enormous building which all looked the same, all grey steel, red ornaments and black reflective floors, vastly open and cold.

You picked up and over priced sandwich and a water, making a mental note to bring your own lunch tomorrow, and sat down at a small table alone. You flicked through your phone and checked your notifications. No new emails or calls, just a sea of messages from your side job.

You never imagined you would work for an adult website, but you also never imagined you would be paying double your rent for your mom to be cared for, but here you were. You scanned the rows and rows of comments and messages, cringing internally.

'MrB!gC0ck89: Hii sexxi girl, wanna c my big cock?'

'Creampiexloverx: pls upload cum pics x, will pay extra x'

'Jack0ff: i wanna see ur toes pretty lady x'

You turned your phone off and shoved it back in your bag. You only signed up to the website to make extra money on the side, you didn't expect it to become such a big part of your life, or to be so popular so quickly.

You sighed as you feebly ate the crusts of your sandwich, looking around the cafeteria at the sea of men in smart suits, eating and laughing with their co workers. You prayed that none of them were subscribed to your cam girl account. 'TimidPrincessss', would most definitely have to stay a total secret. You silently rejoiced that none of your content included your face.

People began making their way back to their offices, the low rumble of voices and rustling of wrappers being thrown into the trash was enough to drown out your groan as you dropped your handbag on the floor, the contents spreading around on the ground below you.

You knelt down to grab your phone and your purse, but where were your keys? Suddenly, a large pair of shiny, definitely designer shoes were almost standing on your fingers. You looked up at the man, as he stood above you, blocking out all the light of the cafeteria, you gulped, he was fucking enormous. You scanned his expression, his head was tilted, causing some of his long, ink black hair to fall around his cleanly shaven face. His lips were slightly curved into a smirk on one side, as his rich, hazel eyes burned into your skull, examining you like an insect.

You gulped again, his stare was incredibly intense, almost magnetising, he was without a doubt the most beautiful man you had ever seen. He raised out one of his large hands and you saw your car keys, suspended from his finger as he jangled them, as if you were a kitten and he was holding a treat.

"Looking for these?" His deep voice rumbled.

You eased yourself back onto your feet, and despite your high heels, the man still towered over you.

"Yes, thanks." You said, reaching out to take your keys. He pulled his hand back, holding them above your head, smirking again.

"Apologise first."

You furrowed your brow and snapped impatiently. "Um, apologise for what?"

He lowered his face down to yours, the smell of his masculine cologne and minty breath smacked you cleanly across the face. He gazed directly into your eyes, lips seemingly inches away from your own, and you felt frozen in time, waiting for him to speak.

"For calling your superior a...what was it? A dumb fuck?" He said, drawing out the words so he made sure you heard them loud and clear.

You bit your tongue and suddenly realised that he must be the man from the elevator, who almost caused you third degree burns. But you didn't realise he was your superior? Superior or not, he was totally in the wrong.

"Why don't I introduce myself properly? I'm Mr. Ren."

It took a few seconds to click, but when it did, you felt your body turn cold.

Mr. Ren...

The billionaire...

The fucking founder of the company.

Of course it was, like your day couldn't get any worse.

"Oh my...Mr. Ren, Sir...I am so sorry. If I'd have known-"

"Hux also tells me you were late this morning? Hm?"

You nod solemnly.

"So, it's your first day at my company, and not only do you insult me, but you're also incapable of arriving on time?"

You nod again, feeling completely pathetic.

He leans in even closer to you, your heart now thumping in your chest, the room was so silent you could almost hear it. He breaths against your neck, lips close to your ear, you felt your legs almost collapse from under you.

"I don't give second chances, little girl. So I suggest you fix up your fucking act, quickly." He whispers. He stands up straight again, smirking on last time, before dropping your keys to the floor in front of your feet and walking away.

You look around to see the cafeteria completely empty, you were thankful no one was around to see you get completely humiliated by your boss. As handsome and endearing as he was, he was also intimidating and rude, a superior asshole. Mr. Ren wasn't a guy you wanted to get on the wrong side of, and you'd be sure to stay well out of his way from now on.

You arrived back at home and locked the door firmly, exhaling all of the humiliation you had suffered at your first day of work. You threw your bag on the couch and kicked off your heels, before putting your oven ready lasagne in to cook. Your pretty, black cat, Niima, was purring at your feet, nuzzling her nose against you.

"Hi baby." You said, reaching down to stroke her between her ears. "Din dins?"

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