Chapter Ten - Under New Management.

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AN: Hey queens! So, this chapter involves lots of naughty things...orgasm denial,  a lot of degradation, public play (can't beat restaurants) under the desk play, rough sex,'s mega horny and I hope you appreciate it. Please vote and comment, I love to hear what you all think! I love you all so much, thank you for following along with this story<3* 

You slept like an absolute dream, the wine and orgasm combination working better than any sleeping pill ever had. You felt refreshed, alive, happy even, as you drove to work. The anticipation and excitement for the day ahead bubbled and fizzed under your skin, and the knowledge that you didn't have to be Hux's bitch for once second longer made your day even brighter.

Once you arrived at the firm you made your way to Maz at reception, who was smiling as always, eyes bright and honest beneath her thick glasses. 

"Hello dear, it's nice to see you back." She chimed.

"It's nice to be back." You said, meaning every word. "And Maz, I wanted to say thank you, for picking out the flowers for me."

"Ah, I only helped a little. Mr. Ren did most of the work. He's a sweet boy, when he wants to be." She chuckled, you smiled back at her then made your way to the elevator.

You approached Kylos office and sucked in a deep breath, trying to remain composed and professional, despite the gnawing ache in your stomach to jump on his cock the minute you see him. The door opened with a small creak and you walked in, teetering on your black high heels, playing with the hem of your skirt, which was a lot shorter than previous days.

"Hello Sir." You said softly as you made your way over to his desk. You shrugged off your coat and hooked it over your arm. Kylos eyes flickered up, hovering over your bare legs and your little skirt as you sat opposite him, your bag by your side.

"Good Morning." He smirked, tapping his fingers individually against the oak desk. 

"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I just guessed." You said, pushing a takeaway cup of black coffee towards him. He took the cup, his large hand swallowing it, despite it being the biggest size they did. He took the lid off and looked, nodding at the deep, dark liquid inside. 

"Good guess." He said, blowing softly before taking a sip, your eyes never leaving his dreamy, pouted lips. "I have some meetings for you to schedule, some files for you to document and review, and then we are going out for lunch, with a client." He added plainly.

"Okay. Sounds interesting." You said.

"Hm, not as interesting as that little skirt you're wearing." His words made your insides flip, you were thankful he had noticed. "Which actually, come to think of it, goes against uniform policies." He said in a tone which sounded half serious, half flirtatious. You went full steam for the latter. 

"Oh really? I left in a bit of a rush this morning and it's is all I could find. I'm so sorry, Sir." You bit your lip to try and fain from laughing as his eyebrow raised.

"You think you can just come in here dressed like a slut? Trying to distract me hm? I think you need to be taught a lesson..." So much for remaining professional at work.

"N-no, please Sir..."

"Come here." He said, patting his thigh.

You felt your body come alive with arousal, trying to stay in character, as you walked slowly over to his side of the desk. You began lowering your ass down to sit on his thigh, and he smacked it harshly.

"No. Little sluts like you are to lay over my thigh, not sit on it." He purred, making butterflies ruffle in your guts. Oh...

You obeyed him and laid over the expanse of his thick, muscular thighs, your feet barely touching the ground. A beat later his hands began palming the globes of your ass, kneading and squeezing desperately, before yanking up the thin, grey fabric, the cool air of the room brushing against your exposed skin.

"What have we got here?" He said, pulling at the barely there, red thong you had on. "Fuck, you really are a whore aren't you?" He added, before ripping them down to pool around your ankles. He kicked his heel out to spread your legs apart slightly, before whispering, "Tell me what you are..."

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