Chapter Twenty - Epilogue

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*AN - This is only short, but I just wanted to thank you all for reading this story. I absolutely loved writing it and I am so proud of having finished something. I'll be working on unfinished fics and a new fic in the new year, which I really hope you'll all enjoy. Thanks for the support, you naughty girls and boys and they/thems. I love you all lots. Love Sith <3*

One Year Later...

You didn't think a lot could happen in a single year. 

That was until you met Benjamin Solo...also known as Kylo Ren.

You two had been on quite the journey together. From hating each other at work, to chatting on a Cam Girling website, to meeting accidentally at a fancy penthouse, to dinner dates, shopping sprees, birthdays...some better than others. To falling out and breaking down, to losing hope, battling demons, to being in love. 

Every part of your journey was trifling, but now, sitting across from him, at the kitchen table you chose together, in your shared home, smiling softly at his sleepy face as he blew on his morning coffee, you knew it was worth every minute.

After being engaged for less than three months, you married him. You didn't see the point in waiting around and neither did he. 

You spent a few days in Paris being tourists and eating at the best places money could by, enjoying everything France had to offer, and then took an impromptu trip over to Ireland, to the small cabin that Luke had lived in for all those years. 

Being surrounded by beautiful hills, frothy blue seas and picturesque nature was incredibly romantic, so you married each other on the edge of a cliff on a cool spring morning, with no one there but the everyone else's disappointment. But you didn't want a grand affair, and Kylo hated the idea of all that attention and fuss, so it was perfect.

Once you were back in New York you hosted a party at your home for close friends and family, to celebrate becoming the other Mrs. Ren.

And after that, you spent every moment, unconditionally in love.

Now it was Christmas Eve...

You finished work the previous afternoon, making sure to give everyone a personal card and a few small gifts, and closed down your laptop until the New Year rolled around. 

Work was going unbelievably well. Solo & Co was now an award winning Law Firm and Therapy Centre, for people who had been unfairly sentenced or struggled to reintegrate into society after leaving prison. 

You were finally helping people, just like you had always dreamed of.

You sat with Chewie, stroking his big head, beaming at the front door as Kylo walked inside. "Daddy's home!" You said, chuckling. 

Chewie woofed and woofed and bounded over to Kylo, who almost fell down at the force of his beloved, not so small puppy, jumping up at him.

"Hey boy. Oh, I missed you too!" Kylo said, dropping his bags down by his side so he could shower Chewie with fuss.

You cleared your throat.

"And...I missed you." He added, wiping his long hair out of his eyes. He walked over to you, stripping off his thick coat to hang it on the back of the couch, before leaning down to kiss your lips. "My pretty little wife." 

"Mm." You hummed, against the cold kiss. You hadn't gotten used to that nickname yet, but it was your favourite one. "I missed you more, my big, handsome husband." You giggled.

After a leisurely morning in bed, fucking in every which way until your nosy little animals made their way into your bedroom, you went downstairs and shared your gifts.

You got Kylo a watch, a fancy one that he'd mentioned before but never bought, and he immediately put it on, admiring the craftmanship of just stared at his beautiful hands and nodded away, barely acknowledging his words.

He bought you a necklace, a Harry Winston no less, which dripped with diamonds and an obscene price tag, but after all, Daddy did love to spoil you...even more so now.

Rey and Vicrul showed up for dinner in the afternoon, baring gifts and a tiny bundle of joy, wrapped up in a tiny Christmas pudding onesie.

Annie was beautiful, a healthy, chubby baby girl, with lush brown curls on top of her little head and deep, greeny - blue reservoirs for eyes. She truly was the most beautiful baby, and she had her parents in a chokehold of love, they adored her and her tiny heart adored them right back. 

Seeing Kylo hold his tiny niece was enough to make you fold in half with total affection, how he held her so gently and made sure she felt safe and loved in his arms, it was beautiful.

"I can't believe she's three months old..." You cooed, stroking her soft head with your index finger as Kylo rocked her against his chest.

"I know, it's flying by, I can't believe I made that..." Vicrul laughed. 

" helped." Rey quipped, nudging Vics shoulder.

You all laughed and gathered round the table to enjoy the food that Kylo had prepared.

Everything was perfect. The solid family unit you had around you, the husband you'd never thought you'd find, the brother and sister you never knew you wanted, the tiny bundle of three month old baby you couldn't wait to watch grow up. Everything was exactly the way it should be...and then some.

"So how's your little bun coming along?" Rey asked, beaming at you, her hand falling to your stomach.

"He's cooking nicely thank you." You smiled back, watching Kylos eyes light up as you circled the visible bump under your red dress with your own fingers.

Your little baby, Kylos son, sleeping peacefully in your tummy as it fluttered with love and a little anxiety. 

"Have you thought about names?" Vicrul asked, ripping apart some turkey before devouring it.

"Well, yes actually..."

"We were thinking Ben, like his daddy." You smiled.

"Perfect." Rey smiled, handing Annie a spoonful of something orange, which she seemed to love.

"Everything is perfect." You whispered, as Kylos hand found yours on top of your little bump, his wedding band glistening against the twinkling Christmas tree lights.

"Everything is perfect." He whispered back in your ear.

And so, an inconvenient attachment became the most beautiful life.


The End.

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