Chapter Nineteen - White, Red and Green.

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*AN - Hey all! So this is the penultimate chapter of An Inconvenient Attachment *cries*... I have crammed a lot into this one, so I hope you enjoy it! There's lots of tooth rotting fluff to swoon over, some recreational drug use (weed) and obvious smut. I cried writing this one tbh, it's so happy, wish it was my life lmao. As always please comment and vote, I love you lots and if you have read this far, thank you. Merry Christmas! Love Sith <3* 

Kylo tapped the edge of his champagne flute and stood to his feet. 

He looked so handsome, in his tight black suit, crisp white shirt and a black bowtie, with a little blue rose on his left breast pocket which matched the ones that scattered the beautiful decorated tables. 

Golden lights flickered above his head, the reflection of them gleaming in his eyes. He looked so breath-taking.

You sat beside Finn and Poe, at a large, round table, just opposite the room from Kylo, but he caught your eye easily, and you gave him an encouraging smile, as he cleared his throat to speak. 

"Hi everyone. So, as a lot of you may know, Vicrul is my younger brother. My often irresponsible, idiotic, pain in my ass younger brother..." The guests laughed and some whooped in agreement.

"But never the less...Vicrul is my best friend, my fearless protector...and my loyalist knight. Now growing up we didn't always see eye to eye, and not just because I was a foot taller than him...we fought and we bickered like most siblings do, but we always had each others backs when things got tough. If I didn't have him, truthfully, I don't think I would still be here today." Your heart grew tight in your chest, hearing the way his voice wavered. "Vic, I am so proud of the man you have become, as I'm sure Mom and Dad both would be if they were here to see you. But saying that, you wouldn't be half the man you are today without Rey by your side." Rey beamed up at Kylo with her contagious smile, she looked perfect. 

"Rey, you can bring out the lightness in everyone you meet, even me. Although you are incredibly stubborn and a very sore loser, you are gentle and kind, and often the angel on my brothers shoulder, for that I am so grateful. I am lucky to have you as my little sister as Vicrul is lucky to have you as his wife." You wiped a stray tear from your eye with your napkin and watched him in awe as he made everyone around the grand room followed suit. "And your future children are lucky to have you both as parents, a job I know you will both thrive at."

"I love you both unconditionally, even if I don't always show it in the best ways." His eyes flitted to you briefly as he continued. "You have proved to me that true love exists, that it can make you stronger, and that it isn't so terrifying..." You smiled brightly at him, your heart swelling with love and affection, knowing his words were directed at you in that moment. 

"You have helped me in ways I could never repay, and I appreciate the love and patience you have shown me throughout life, as I'm sure you have shown many others in this room, will everyone please join me in raising a toast, to the newly weds...Mr and Mrs Ren." You raised your glass along with the other guests and took a slow slip before clapping your hands together.

Finn grabbed your arm lightly and pulled you towards him so he could whisper in your ear. "That...was fucking beautiful." He choked, a tear rolling down his face.

"It really was, wasn't it?" You said, laughing a little as you dabbed his wet cheek. 

You made your way through to the reception area, losing Kylo briefly in the swarm of happy, mildly tipsy guests. You sat on a chair beside the busy dancefloor, smiling happily to yourself. After a short while, you saw a familiar head of black, bouncing waves come towards you, and a pair of golden irises that could set fire to your soul.

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