Chapter Twelve - Panic.

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*AN - Hey all! No smut in this unfortunately, it's mainly dialogue and plot, and I think it's pretty good! Hope you're all enjoying this so far, love you all! Please comment & vote <333*

"You were difficult to find." Kylo said deeply, arms crossed in front of him on the metal table, a cigarette clutched in his thumb and forefinger, he inhaled deeply, and stared in the eyes of his Uncle. He looked old, frail, a shell of the great man he used to know. "Now look at you..."

"Ben-" Luke said in a shaky voice.

"If you call me that name again, I will put a bullet in your fucking skull." Kylo snapped, placing his gun on the table in front of him.

"Of course, I'm s-sorry," Luke corrected himself. "You look well. I'm so happy to see you are doing and your brother. I always knew you would be a success."

"Hm." He muttered, devoid of all emotion.

"I...I failed you both, I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are!" Kylo hissed, banging his fists against the table. "You're pathetic."

"You need to let me explain..." Luke said, holding his cuffed hands up. "I didn't have a choice."

"No, you chose to disappear, like the fucking coward you are."

"I was forced to,'s complicated."

"Then do explain, Uncle."

The cell door opened and Vicrul entered, adjusting the leather gloves on his hands. He scowled at Luke, taking a seat next to his brother, fists clenched.

"Hello, old man." Vicrul sneered, taking a cigarette from Kylos carton and lighting it. He blew the smoke directly into Luke's face, chuckling at his discomfort.

"Hi, Victor." Luke said with a feeble smile.

"It's Vicrul now, do keep up." He hissed, tapping his ash across the table, singeing the sleeve of Luke's sweater.

"Shut up Vic." Kylo snapped. "Start fucking talking Skywalker."

"Okay, okay. I'm sure you both have a lot of questions, and I'm sure you both hate me...but I didn't hurt Han, or Leia, I would have never-"

"So you're saying they just crashed that plane on purpose? Then you went to Ireland for a vacation? Huh? What the fuck happened?!" Vicrul exclaimed, gritting his back teeth.

"It was Snoke."

The room fell silent.

"Snoke?" Vicrul questioned. "What would Snoke have to do with this?"

"You're a smart boy Vic, think about it." Luke urged. "Snoke ordered the death of your parents."

"No, you''re a liar! Snoke wouldn't-"

"Ky..." Vicrul said, silencing Kylo with two outstretched fingers.

"The day your parents plane crashed, I went to take them some extra supplies, to say good bye, then I was coming to look after you both for the summer, remember? But before I could get to you, Snoke and his men ambushed me, locked me in a fucking room for days, without a word. When he eventually showed himself, he told me Han and Leia were dead, that he tampered with the engines, that he was framing me for it all," Luke's eyes pooled with tears, his breath ragged, raw with fury, as he retold his story. "He told me if I ever came back, he would kill you both in front of me. Then, you were in Snokes custody, and there was nothing I could do, so I went away. I can't tell you how sorry I am."

"Why didn't you write? Call? Fucking anything?"

"Because Snoke had eyes and ears everywhere. He would have killed you both without a second thought, bastard would have made it look like an accident."

"I don't believe a word you're saying." Kylo growled, scratching his cigarette out in the ashtray.

"You really think I would hurt my twin sister? Or my best friend?! I'm a lot of things, a coward, a pussy...but I'm not a monster."

"Snoke was, he was...he practically raised us!"

"Yeah? And what did he teach you? How to be tough, huh? How to threaten, how to make money? How to intimidate and steal, shoot a gun? Something tells me he wasn't tucking you in and reading you bedtime stories."

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