Chapter Four - Cigarette Daydreams.

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*A/N - Hey all! Thank you for reading if you have made it this far. I am having so much fun with this fic, I might pop! I love this moody Kylo. Please vote, comment and tell your pals about this! Love SithKween.*

The bar was heaving when you arrived. Pop music and red strobe lights were blaring, people were laughing, dancing, smoking, singing off key, it felt good to be out of your house and most importantly with your friends. Finn waved you down, he was stood by the bar, a tray of shots already neatly laid out in front of him, you ran to him and held on tightly. He always gave the best bear hugs.

"This dress! Girl!" Finn squealed, spinning you around with his fingers. "You look, incredible!"

You smiled, looking down at the tight red dress you were sporting. It was smooth, silky, reflecting the lights of the club back at you. It had two thin straps, a deep v shape neckline and a slight slit up the thigh, showing off your kitten tattoo. You had gone for red strappy heels to match, a black clutch bag and a few necklaces to finish it off. The black tourmaline was cold against your chest, but you figured a crystal to fight off any negative energy would come in handy in a busy club on a Saturday night.

"All thanks to my online sugar daddy." You winked. The $2000 dollars you had made from him in less than a week was enough to dress your whole body in luxury. "It's Chanel."

"Wow. Well I'm jealous, I need a man to pay for my clothes! Anyway, come on, the other guys are at the table." Finn grabbed you by the hand and you followed, holding him tightly as he manoeuvred through the group, juggling the tray of shots as he went.

"There you are! Oh, my, god. Is that dress designer?! You look like a total snack!" Rose said, jumping up from her seat. "Like seriously, wow."

"Rose! Thank you so much!"

"Hello gorgeous. Long time no see." Poe said, standing up from the table to kiss you on the cheek.

"Hi Poe. Oh man I've missed you all so much."

"We've missed you too! Our city girl, how's the new job going?!" Rose said, making a space for you to sit down next to her, whilst passing you a couple of shots.

"It's...well, its hard work, the management are a little toxic, but it's good. I'm working my way up and soon, I'll be the fucking girl boss that place needs!"

"Yes, fuck yes! Cheers to that, girl boss!" She squeaked. You clinked shot glasses and threw your head back, wincing as the hot, bitter liquid ran down your throat.

You sank back shot after shot, and a few exotic coloured cocktails, whilst catching up with your college friends, reminiscing about times passed and what you were all planning for the future. Before you knew it your head was spinning, you felt dizzy, giddy, like you didn't have a care in the world. But you were also horny, of course you were. You pulled your phone from your black clutch bag and eventually got it open, after failing the password a few times. You felt your lips form a small smirk when you saw that Mr Solo Guy was online.

"I'm just going to get some air! I'll be back in a minute!" You said, shouting over the thump of the music. Your friends all nodded and smiled, waving as you hobbled away from the table.You made your way outside and leaned against the cool bricks outside of the club.

11:38pm: TimidPrincessss:
Hi Daddy. Are yuo theree?

11:40pm: S0L0GUY:
Yes Princess, not for long though. How's is your night going? Is someone a little drunk?

11:43pm: TimidPrincessss:
Is goodd thnks, yes im veryu dtink, but I'm hornyt too, i miss you!!!

11:45pm: S0L0GUY:
Oh you are? Well, you might have to be a good girl and touch yourself in the bathroom. I miss your perfect little body.

11:46pm: TimidPrincessss:
Okay daddyy, i will, im going to the bathroom now anf im already so wet, wearing the red panties u got for me

11:47pm: S0L0GUY:
Oh fuck, I bet they look perfect. Go ahead sweet girl, Daddy has to go for a little while, but you have my permission to cum, okay?

11:50pm: TimidPrincessss:
Okay thwnk you, ill talk yo you soon Daddy.

You smiled and laughed to yourself as you slowly made your way through the club to the bathroom. Luckily there wasn't a queue, so you locked yourself in a stall and dove your hands in between your legs.

You tried to keep your moans down as you heard voices the other side of the door, but it was was hard, you closed your eyes tightly, imagining the mask above you, his impossibly wide figure pinning you down and fucking you into the mattress. Almost there, your fingers circling your clit with a fast rhythm.

You imagined Mr. Ren, his cologne clouding your senses as he pushed up against you in the elevator, how his big hands would feel locked around your throat, how big his...

"Hey! Are you almost done in there?! I'm bursting!" A girls voice squealed, shattering your fantasy, and your orgasm.

"Fuck sakes." You grunted to yourself. "Just a second!" You stood up and left the bathroom, washing your hands quickly before heading back to the table.

"Where'd you go girl?! Got you another drink." Finn said, handing you what looked like a green hazardous slime in a cup.

"Thanks hun, I was just peeing." You said, taking a sip of the sour green liquid, it was actually delicious, but fuck it was strong. Your hear was going to be sore tomorrow.

"That guy keeps staring at you. The tall one by the bar." Rose said giggling to herself, she nudged you and pointed over towards the peeping Tom. You felt yourself blink and rub your eyes, not quite believing what you were seeing. Were you back at work already? Stood by the bar was Mr. Ren, surrounded by six other well dressed guys, all equally as handsome, but the only thing you were focused on was the woman's armed wrapped around your boss's waist.

Fuck. Who was that? Was he dating? Why did you care? Your drunk mind was rambling.

You looked back over at him, as he moved over to a table with his group, and you could have sworn, just through the corner of your eye, that he smiled at you.

"Oh, shit. Yeah, that's my boss. Well, my bosses boss."

"That's your, what?! He's like, stupidly attractive." Finn said, biting his lip. You laughed and nudged him to stop teasing you.

"He is, but he's also super intimidating." You mumbled, polishing off the rest of your cocktail.
"I'm going to get another shot, you guys want anything?" Your friends mumbled soft no thank yous and you shrugged, moving to the bar, in hopes that your super hot and intimidating boss would notice you.

You stood at the bar, and bend over slightly, allowing the alcohol to turn you into a tempting harlot, you just hoped the handsome prince was watching. Or, were you making a total ass of yourself? At this point you didn't care, you wanted some attention, with Solo Guy busy, and the men at your table both gay, you were desperate.

After moving around seductively and doing a couple of shots on your own, you sighed, maybe he wasn't interested, but as you turned around to go back to your table, you looked up into the eyes of your beautiful boss. He didn't say anything, but his eyes flickered up and down your body, hovering over your cleavages for a little longer than what would be deemed professional, you took that as a win.

"Good Evening." He said, clearing his throat.

"Oh, hi. I didn't expect to ever see you in a club Mr. Ren." You said, trying desperately not to slur your words, but you were undoubtedly, too fucking drunk.

"Why, does the fact that I have a social life surprise you?"

Yes, because you seem just as lonely as me, locked away in your castle all day.

"Um, I suppose so. I just figured you were a quiet night in sort of dude."

Fuck, did I say dude? Oh god.

"I suppose I am, but I made an exception. I'm celebrating an engagement."

"Oh, wow. Um, congratulations, Sir."

His eyes furrowed a little.

"Not mine. My brother's." He said as bluntly as ever. "And you don't need to call me, that...out of work hours."

"Oh, well, congrats to your brother!" Thank god. "I hope you have a fun evening, Kylo."

Kylo Rens POV.

Kylo hated clubs, especially loud clubs, full of degenerate people who drank too much cheap booze and started fights. He was more of the expensive meal, whiskey and cigars type of man, more peace and solitude, a good book or a vacation. But there wasn't much he wouldn't do for his brother.

Vicrul was the polar opposite of Kylo, a wealthy, successful business man yes, but completely uncontrollable. As teenagers, Kylo would study, read, learn, whilst Vicrul was out, partying, sleeping with anything that moved, he was unhinged, but he was still his brother. Obviously, Kylo had got him out of several messy situations and helped him get himself back on track, but thankfully, now he had found Rey, he was a much calmer man.

Rey was sweet, good spirited, a hard worker, someone that helped Vicrul become better, Kylo was grateful for her, that she had taken him off of his plate for now.

The club wasn't as distasteful as Kylo had imagined, but it was still not his ideal way to spend a Saturday evening. He kept his thoughts to himself, going along with it to keep his brother happy. He was quite happy to sit and converse, not think about work for a little while, but his mind often drifted to his Princess. Her drunk texts had made him smirk, she wasn't as innocent as she made herself out to be.

But there was now something else clouding his mind, her. Those legs, that little red dress, the way she kept looking over her shoulder at him, bending over the bar, giving him a rather perfect view of her round ass. The fucking assistant. He shuffled in his seat, wishing he hadn't worn such tight pants, because his cock felt like it was going to rip cleanly through the material. She's a little tease.

Oh, the way she said his name, he thought he was going to shapeshift into a wolf and rip the barely there dress from her pretty little body.

"Oh, wait. I'm sorry to ask, do you have a cigarette? I never usually smoke but I'm, well...

"You're drunk." He smirked.

And you're a bad girl. How bad would you be for me I wonder? 
No, no, inappropriate.

"Guilty." You said, holding your hands up, giggling softly. Kylo tilted his head, his stare as intense as ever, trying to read her mind. There's something about her, he thought, something I feel drawn to, like I have known her for years. "At least I'm not grumpy like you."

"Your dutch courage is delightful." He snickered. He pulled his cigarette carton from his black jacket pocket, lifted the lid and pulled one out for you. He tried to talk himself out of it, but proceeded anyway, placing the tailor made between your pouted lips, his fingers brushing them slightly, the red lipstick leaving a stain on his index finger.

"There." He purred, watching her as her chest began to rise and fall faster. She's nervous.

Without thinking twice, Kylo picked up the small black crystal that was hanging by a thin silver chain around your neck. "Pretty." He murmured.

"Hey! Hi, so sorry to interrupt - are you smoking again?! Uh, so, Rose and Poe are both wasted, and not well, so I'm going to take them home. Did you want to stay here or come with us?" Kylo looked at the guy who was talking to you and before you could respond he said.

"I'll make sure she gets home safe. If you'd like?"

"I...well I don't want to be a bother."

"It's no bother."

"Okay, well that's very kind of you Mr...Isn't it?" Finn said, Kylo watched as he nudged you.

"Yes, very kind, thank you. I'll uh, text you later Finn." You said, nervously again. You were shy, but so fucking adorable, Kylo wanted to pick you up and steal you away for the night.

"Okay, I've got to run, but I'll see you soon. I love you." Finn kissed your cheek and left, escorting the other friends to their taxi. Kylo felt a small pang of jealousy as he watched Finn kiss your cheek.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend?" He said, trying to pry.

"Oh what, Finn?! No, no, he's gay. He's been my best friend since college. I'm, um, I'm very single." You said, hesitantly. Kylo tilted his head again and observed your face.

"I see." Kylo felt a small glimmer of relief, although, it would have been easier to ignore you if you were in a relationship. "Well, shall we smoke?"

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