Chapter Eight - Rich.

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A/N: Thank you so much for all of the love and support with this fic! It's so much fun! Please comment, vote and tell your pals to read it! This is just some gap filler, but the smut is coming in gallons soon. Love you all. Mwah <3*

You laid back on the plush pillow and inhaled the smoke from your cigarette gratefully. Your body was bare, accept from the sheets around your knees, covered in a mist of sweat and various purple marks. Your chest was rising and falling heavily, working hard to catch your breath after having sex with your, not so mystery online sugar daddy, too many times to count.

He was a man of his word, as you caught the sun peering through the blinds of your hotel room. You smiled to yourself and shook your head slightly, you couldn't believe how your night had gone. You rolled over on your elbow and admired the sight of Mr. Ren, who was only wearing his boxers, back muscles flexing as he leaned against the balcony, phone to his ear, cigarette smoke flowing around his head. Even with his back turned you felt the arousal pooling in your belly once again, the hunger for him quenched but not fully satisfied, you didn't think you'd ever get enough of him.

A creeping feeling of worry began flooding through you, now the night was over and the weekend was drawing to an end, you knew this too would have to end. After all, he was your boss, the boss, you were an assistant...he couldn't have any sort of relationship with you, you weren't naïve to that. This was all going to end before it had really begun.

"Hungry?" Kylo asked, coming to sit on the end of the bed. You stubbed out your cigarette and pulled your knees up to your chest, fending off the chill of the early morning air with the comforter. 

"Starving actually." You said, smiling softly, glad that he wasn't telling you to leave right away.

"Me too. I'll order breakfast." 

"Okay. I'm just going to, um, take a shower first." You reeked of sex.

"Good idea." He nodded, reaching for the menu and the hotel telephone. 

You made your way to the bathroom, pretty certain his gaze was following your naked body as you walked away, or at least you hoped it was.

You washed your body until it was squeaky clean with the fancy hotel soaps, as well as your hair and face. You wrapped yourself up in the soft bath towel and checked yourself out in the mirror, apart from the large cluster of love bites on your neck you looked relatively fresh. 

You'd had a couple of partners in your life, a few one night stands, even a girlfriend, but no one had ever made you feel the type of pleasure that Kylo had. He was perfect, from head to toe, every inch of him was everything you had ever dreamed of, and every inch knew how to pleasure you. You'd lost count of the amount of orgasms he graciously gave you, until your legs were shaking and you were begging him to stop.

You traced the berry coloured welts and closed your eyes, imagining his lips on your neck, devouring you like a wild animal, marking his territory on your supple skin. You felt yourself shiver, the flashbacks sending you into a frenzy, your body softening, melting, yielding, as your hands travelled over your body, you wanted him again and again and again.

Once you were decent you went back into the bedroom. Kylo was sat at the kitchen counter, still shirtless, surrounded by several plates of food, it all smelled divine. You picked up his white dress shirt that was hanging on the headboard of the bed and slipped it around yourself.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I ordered everything." He said, eyes hovering over your body, inhaling sharply through his nose. You sat opposite him and pulled a plate of fresh fruit towards you, as well as a mug of coffee. 

"Thank you, this is amazing..." You said, almost moaning as you bit into the freshest piece of watermelon you had ever tasted. "I've never stayed somewhere that has room service before."

"It gets boring after a while." He said astutely. Modest prick.

"I doubt that." You gestured to the room, "I wouldn't get bored of living like this!" You beamed, stuffing pancakes into your face.

"Hm." He muttered, sipping his coffee and scrolling through his phone, he seemed distracted, or maybe you had overstayed your welcome.

"I'll, uh, I'll leave once I've finished my coffee."

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