Chapter Eleven - Darkness.

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AN - Hey all! Okay, so this chapter gets a little intense, Kylo's going through some shit and we're basically his punching bag. I'm a sucker for some juicy plot and I can't help it, sue me. But anyways, I hope you enjoy! Love Sith <3*

"It's him isn't it? Sexy boss man from the bar..." Finn said accusingly, stirring his latte.

"Finn...I can't-"

"No, no. You're a terrible liar! I know it's him."

"Fine, fine. Yes, it's him. But you can't say anything! Not even to Poe!"

"Of course I won't, I will take your little secrets to the grave. Now, tell me everything!!!"

Finns facial expressions turned from shocked, to surprised, to shocked again as you explained the full scale of the story so far. How your handsome CEO, had sent flowers to the wake, accidentally met you at the hotel, made you his assistant, and spent most mornings eating you out on his desk before you started on work.

"You're living the fucking dream, do you know that? I can't...just, wow."

"I know, it's fucking crazy. I honestly thought Solo Guy was some old, boring business man..."

"Turns out he's Kylo fucking Ren!"

"Not so loud! Jheeze. But yeah..." You sighed slightly, sipping your coffee.

"What is it babe?"

"I...I think I'm in love with him Finn."

"Okay...Have you told him?"

"No! God no, I don't want to scare him away."

"Maybe he feels the same?"

"I don't think he's that sort of guy. He's got everything, money, power, an empire...why would he be in love with someone like me?"

"No, no, we're not doing that, don't you dare put yourself down. You may not have an empire, but you are a queen. Besides, love is complicated and stressful, it's not meant to be a fairy tale. Maybe talk to him about it some time. But for now, enjoy the fucking and enjoy the cash!"

You laughed to yourself. You would definitely enjoy both of those things, but something just didn't feel right, it felt wanted something more, something deeper, something complicated.

Finn kissed you on the cheek as you went your separate ways to work. You were grateful to get all of that off your chest, and you knew Finn would keep it to himself, like the best friend he was.

Once you arrived at the firm you said your usual hellos and got some coffees, then made you way to your office. When you walked inside, you saw Kylo sat at his desk, a police officer sat opposite him. He looked angry, teeth clenched and fists balled at his sides. You walked quietly over to his desk and placed the coffee down, before going to your own office. 

You left your door slightly ajar, listening to the low grumbles of their conversation.

"He was a hard man to find."

"You're certain it's him?"

"Positive. It's Skywalker alright, he's being flown to the states as we speak."

"Good. The minute he lands, I want to see him."

"Of course Sir. You'll be the first to know."

"Thank you, Maul."

"Also, your brother, he's at the station again. DUI."

"For fuck sake." Kylo hissed. "I'll pay the bail, just have him sent here as soon as you can."

"Yes Sir." The officer, Maul, said. You heard some shuffling and then the door click shut, the office falling silent. 

You focused on your work, sipping your coffee, trying to ignore the aching feeling you had in your stomach as you caught a glimpse of Kylo with his head in his hands. 

It's not my place to ask...

But he helped me when I was sad...

Don't get involved...

Against your better judgement you walked slowly out of your office and approached his desk.

"Hey. Everything okay?"

"Nothing I can't handle." He said bluntly, eyes fixed on his computer screen.

"You can talk to me about it."

"I don't want to talk, I'm sick of fucking talking." He snapped.

You could feel the anger radiating off him, any signs of the sweet Kylo you thought you knew had completely vanished. His eyes flickered up to you, then back to his computer screen.

"Okay." You said feebly, turning around and going back to your own office.

You closed the door with a heavy feeling in your stomach.

After a little while later you heard a door slam, footsteps, then shouting.

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