Chapter Sixteen - Surprises.

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*AN - This chapter is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, and I apologise now for the cliff hanger <3  Please comment & vote, and thank you for reading! I love you all so much!*

Work was busier than ever now you were Kylo's second in command.

You were in charge of over fifteen people, and several clients came to you daily with their troubles, which you helped them with. It was tough and often emotionally draining but you absolutely loved the feeling of being a boss, and having your coffees bought to you was especially nice.

You always knew from a young age that you wanted to help others, you were fiercely protective and kind and you knew how to turn a bad situation into a solution, so now you had the opportunity to do that every single day, life was good.

You still helped Kylo with his affairs when you had some free time, or he would just lock you both away in his office and fuck you on his desk when he needed to blow off some steam, which was more than okay with you.

Things between you and Kylo had been good, better than good, great really. You were practically moved into his home now, staying there most evenings after work and on the weekends, and Niima and him were becoming great friends too, she especially loved his futon. 

Everything was going well, but you still had been avoiding the conversation that was weighing heavy on your shoulders, the dreaded l word. In a way you didn't want to tell him, you didn't want to risk ruining the good situation you had going on by scaring him away with the harsh reality of your own feelings. You were secretly hoping he would say it first, there were so many moments where he could have, but he hadn't yet.

You needed to give it time.

With Hux gone, work meetings were a lot more relaxed. Ezra was now assisting you, as much as Kylo didn't appreciate the fleeting glances he made at you, he recognised that he was a good kid and extremely hard working, and that he deserved a chance.

But now it was the weekend of your birthday, so work was the last thing on your mind.

Kylos hands were all over you the moment you woke up, caressing every inch of your warm, naked body, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

"Are you ready for your first present baby girl?" He purred, the baritone ringing through your veins.

"Mmhm." You moaned, feeling his thick fingers swipe over your already wet cunt.

He grinned, flashing his incredibly attractive dimples, before diving under the bed covers. 

You felt his hands grip the flesh on either side of your hips, his long nose brush over your clit, his tongue lapping against your slick entrance. 

"Oh fuck...right there, please!"

His lips sucked against your swollen bud hard as his thick fingers rocked in and out of you, making you buck and judder against him. The sounds from under the comforter were obscene, wet and filthy as he drank up every drop your cunt gave him.

After making you cum on his tongue more than once, you went to shower whilst Kylo fixed up some breakfast. You skipped happily down the stairs and sat down at his dining table with Niima perched in your lap.

He placed down a plate of brightly coloured fruit, a tray of croissants and pastries, orange juice, water, coffee, as well as all your breakfast favourites. You helped yourself to some strawberries, and a large helping of eggs, bacon and coffee, smiling at him gratefully.

"Here." He said, almost shyly, handing you a small black box wrapped with a red bow.

"Did Maz pick this one out?" You joked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No, I actually had it made especially."

Your heart fluttered, knowing he had gone through such efforts for you once again. You placed Niima down on the ground beside you and fondled with the box.

"You're making me feel extra guilty for not getting you a birthday present." You pouted.

"Sh. You gave me exactly what I wanted." He smirked.

You, he wanted you.
You could have melted into a puddle right there.

You pulled off the ribbon and opened the box slowly, peeking at what was inside. You pulled on the delicate chain to reveal a black and red jagged pendant attached to it. You pulled it up to your face to examine it closer. You had never seen anything like it before, it looked like a rare crystal, the same colours as...

"It's a piece of my mask." He said, coming to sit beside you at the table.

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