Chapter Two - Playtime.

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AN- Hey! If you're here, hope you enjoy this chapter! It was definitely a lot of fun to write. Things are getting spiccyyy! Please leave comments and votes, and tell your friends! Lots of love, SK*

The red headed moron sat back in his chair, his eyes feasting on you the minute you stepped into his office.

"On time this morning I see, well done you." Hux said, his voice brimming with sarcasm. You wanted to smack the smugness from his pale face.

"Yes Sir, and I come baring coffee." You said, faking an award winning smile, before placing the mug and saucer down in front of him on his matte black desk.

"Excellent, you may get to keep this job after all." He chortled, despite his words being incredibly unfunny. 

"I do hope so." You retorted. "The files from yesterday are all finished, and I took the liberty of organising your calendar for the week, it was a little, messy." You said, doing your best to mask your sly remark as you handed him the grey plastic folder.

"I see, how generous of you." He smirked. "I have a lunch meeting this afternoon with Mr. Ren, I'd like you to attend, take notes."

"Oh Sir, I have-"

"Ah, ah. No excuses doll face. I'll see you back here at one." He said, all but dismissing you, waving his hand towards the glass door.

Shit. An afternoon with the two biggest pricks in the building. Just how you dreamed this day would go. So much for avoiding him.

Speaking of dreams, you slept like a baby. You didn't know if it was because of the blissful orgasm you had been denying yourself for days, or the thought of having enough money in your bank to afford your weekly groceries ten times over, but you didn't care. 

Solo Guy had been plaguing your thoughts all morning. When you showered, when you brushed your teeth, when you bit into the fresh, green apple you'd picked up on your way through the café, all you could think about was that distorted voice and the filthy words it had said to you. 

You'd not felt this in a long time, the fluttering in your stomach, excitement, anticipation, a bewildering eagerness to get home and fire up your laptop. It was strange. But you couldn't let it distract you, you had a job to do.

Case File: Mrs Anita Jones. Charged with endangerment of a child and child neglect. Report filed by husband, Mr. Robert Jones.  

You rubbed your temples as you scanned through the case. To you, it sounded like a classic case of the rich husband, framing the wife as a bad mother, in order to hold control of her life. You would hardly call having a glass of wine with a friend endangering a child. But you couldn't get involved, unfortunately, and even more unfortunate for Anita, her husband had Hux as his lawyer. From the small background check you had done on him, he had never lost a case, not to mention how he acted towards women.

You went through a few more files, checking the clock every so often as lunch drew closer. You felt a small knot in your stomach, knowing that you would have to sit through a meeting, taking notes, being the good, quiet little mouse, in the lions den.

You stopped at the restroom before heading to Hux's office. You fixed your hair a little, added another coating of your favourite plum lipstick, adjusted your blouse and made your way to the elevator, clutching your notepad and pen with white knuckles.

"There she is." Hux all but sang as you stepped inside his office. He gestured a pale hand over to the foot of his desk, before pulling the chair out for you. You kept your eyes on the ground as you walked over and took a seat, attempting to not make eye contact with the other man in the room. As you sat down, you felt Hux behind you, too close for comfort and heard him inhale deeply. You felt an overwhelming sensation to vomit over come you. "Mm, that shampoo smells amazing."

This creep just sniffed my fucking hair.

Your mother always told you that your face was an open book, so you tried to smile and mask the feeling of utter disgust that was seeping into your veins.

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