Chapter Eighteen - Insatiable.

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*A/N - Hey all! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! It includes drinking, and a lil girl on girl action, but don't worry, it's all safe and consensual and fun (and fictional) I have had a pretty shitty week, so I thought I'd write a fun chapter to make up for the heavy one last time! I apologise for any grammatical errors, I'm tired.
Love you all, please comment on your favourite bits! Love Sith <3*

After spending over a week in hospital, you were discharged. You stomach was stitched up, your arm in a cast, that everyone took the liberty to scribble over, and your ribs neatly wrapped in bandages. You looked like you'd just come out of a war, but you were alive, that's all that mattered.

Kylo took you back home to get some of your things, clothes, makeup, fuzzy socks, various creature comforts to make you feel more at home at his place. You insisted you could stay at your own home, but of course he pushed that idea aside, he insisted that you stayed with him, so he could work from his study in-between nursing you back to health.

You were so grateful for him, nothing was too much to ask for. He cooked for you three times a day, he helped you shower, often washing your hair for you and making sure he brushed all of the tangles out. He would help you change your clothes, made sure you were comfortable and cosy at all times, took you to all of your hospital check ups; he even let you watch Netflix all day on his couch with Niima bundled in your lap. 

Despite all of the pain and strife that had happened, things were a lot better now.

Hux and Bazine were both in prison, Kylo's affiliation with the police made that pretty quick and painless, not to mention the clear evidence linking them to your attack. You were left with broken bones, twisted pink scars and a head full of vivid nightmares, but they didn't matter, not when the man of your dreams was around to help you get through it.

"What's wrong?" You asked softly, stroking Kylos silky hair as his fingers danced along the raised scar on your stomach. "Nervous about your speech?"

"A little." He said, continuing to trail a finger down your jagged, pink flesh.

"You'll do great." You encouraged, kissing the top of his head. "Do you still love me, even with the scar?"

"Of course I do. Do you still love me, even with mine?" He said, rolling onto his stomach slightly. You glanced at the various scars that littered his creamy skin, in amongst his little moles, feeling a little less conscious of your own.

"Obviously." You hummed. "How did you...uh, you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to."

"I'll give you three guesses..." He muttered into the pillow.

"Snoke..." You whispered.

He nodded slightly, then pointed to the large circle shaped scar on his left shoulder blade. "That one was for crying over my parents. He burnt me with a cigar." He pointed to another, a long thin one going across his spine. "That one was because I lied about Vicrul and Rey meeting behind his he gave me a literal stab in the back." He shivered, laughing dryly under his breath. slightly. You leaned down gently and kissed each mark. 

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve any of that." You said into his shoulder, trying not to cry. "I'm so sorry."

"Sh, it's in the past now little one, and in a way, I like them. They are reminders of when life tried to break me down, yet it couldn't. They're little chips in my armour, but I'm still here, still going strong."

"You're the strongest person I know." You sighed.

"I love you." He whispered, turning onto his back. He placed his hand behind your neck and pulled you close, kissing your head softly. You lifted your chin slightly and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him deeply, your hands searching his body. He pulled away breathlessly and stroked your cheek, shaking his head. "You're not completely healed yet."

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