Chapter Six - Lonely.

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A/N - Thank you all for your love and support with this fic! I'm having so much fun writing it. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please comment, vote and tell your fellow rats about it! <3*

Kylo sat back in bed and checked the time on his laptop. It had almost been an hour since you'd answered your phone call and you hadn't come back yet. He sighed, turned his laptop off and went to his balcony to smoke. Maybe you'd fallen asleep? He knew he was worn out, you'd made him cum twice in one day, knocking the energy out of him. He didn't let it bother him too much, after all, you had a life outside of your online one, he couldn't expect you to be at his beck and call all the time.

You didn't sleep at all.

You'd got yourself dressed drove to the care home, trying to focus on the road as you sobbed. She was gone. Your mom, your closest friend, your rock, gone.

You felt your chest tighten as you held her hand, rocking back and forth by her bedside on a wooden chair, a bitter, twisting agony in the pit of your stomach. You'd watched her deteriorate over the past few years, drifting further and further away from her former self, it hurt you so deeply, but strangely you felt relief, to know she was at peace now, she could finally rest.

"Do you have someone you'd like me to call? Your father perhaps?"

"No thank you Anna. It's always just been us. I don't even know where he lives."

"I'm so sorry. I know how much you meant to her, her eyes always lit up when you came to visit."

"I should have been here on Sunday, I can't believe- I'm so fucking-"

"Love, you can't blame yourself. Your mom wouldn't want that. You did everything you could and more for her, she knew that. She went peacefully." Anna said, in her delicate irish accent, stroking your shoulder to comfort you.

"I know, I just wish I got to see her one last time."

"I know my darling, but you're here now and she will always be with you, in here." She said softly, pointing to your heart. You felt your eyes brim with tears, hot and prickly in your eyes. You were exhausted, heartbroken, truly alone. "You should go home and get some rest sweetheart, I'll call and check on you tomorrow, help you organise her funeral."

"Okay. Thank you, really, thank you Anna, for everything you've done for my mom and me."

"It's my pleasure." She said, holding you in a tight embrace before you left.

You got back home and cuddled up to Niima on your couch, you located a small bottle of vodka you had stashed away in your kitchen cupboard and gulped it down. You cried to the point where you couldn't breath, you laughed, you screamed, every emotion was flowing through you at light speed, and before you knew it, it was morning.

You called up work and told Maz you wouldn't be coming in for a few days due to a sickness bug, she wished you well and assured you that she'd tell Mr. Hux. You didn't want to tell her the truth, you didn't want to tell anyone, you just wanted to drink and forget about it all.

A knock on your front door jolted you awake, you groaned on the couch, rolling back onto your side, but the knocking continued. You got up, fell over, got up again, and eventually made it to the door. You wiped your eyes and pushed your hair back into it's messy ponytail and pulled the door open slightly.

"Babe, it's Finn. Anna from the care home called me, she told me about your mom. I bought wine." You opened the door for him and stumbled back to your couch, pulling Niima onto your lap. Finn closed and locked the door behind him, his face looked just as sad as you felt. "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine..."

"I don't really want to talk about it, and Anna shouldn't have called you behind my back," You said, coming across harsher than you meant to. "I'm sorry, I just..."

"You're hurting. It's okay, I'm here. We don't have to talk about it.."

"Can we just drink and watch Monsters Inc?"

"Of course we can, come here." He said, diving in to hug you tightly, you didn't realise how much you needed human contact until them, as you let himself sob into his chest.

Three days had passed since your mom died. Anna organised most of the funeral, and you had taken some of her things home, pictures, paintings, clothes and jewellery, things that reminded you of the happier times. You placed your moms old rings on your fingers, admiring them and how well kept they were, you smiled to yourself, knowing that pieces of her would be with you forever.

You decided to go back to work, one to keep yourself busy and two so you didn't lose your fucking job for attendance issues. You walked through the office in silence, giving Maz a small smile as you passed her desk. You picked up Hux's usually coffee and rode the elevator up to his office. He was sat at the head of the table, several other men around him, including Mr. Ren.

Great. This is just what you needed, an audience.

"There you go Sir." You said, your voice was quiet but your tone was stern.

"Ah, there's my favourite little helper! Where have you been hm?" He said, standing up from his desk, he took the coffee from your hands and looked you up and down. "Gosh, you look really must have been sick." You felt yourself turn hot, a rage burning under your skin. "Hello? Doll face? Cheer up, you look like someone died-"

It was over before you could even stop yourself. You pulled your arm back and punched Hux as hard as you possibly could, hearing his nose crunch against your fist.

Oh shit.

"Sir...Oh! I,..." You began as Hux howled, clutching his nose, a trickle of blood dripped from beneath them, a drop of crimson landing on his white shirt, his coffee all over the floors and his patent leather shoes.

"Ow! You just hit me! Ren?! Did you just see...she just! You little bitch!"

Your chest felt tight as tears began pooling in your eyes and you sprinted out of the office as fast as you possibly could. You ran down the hall and found an empty supply closet, you made it inside and shut the door tightly then collapsed on to the floor.

You curled your knees up to your chest and rocked back and forth, trying to stop yourself from having a full blown panic attack. You felt your tears pooling against the material of your tights as you clutched your head in your hands. Over the sound of your crying you heard the door click and open. You held your breath, not looking up, eyes glued to the familiar set of large shoes that were stood in front of you.

You saw his legs crouch down opposite you, then his hand touched your shoulder and you flinched away from the contact. "I'll have my desk cleared up by lunch." You whispered.

"Look at me." He said. You raised your head up reluctantly, wrapping your arms around your knees, hands trembling, cringing at the bright stain of crimson blood on your knuckles. You looked at him through tear filled lashes, his deep amber irises already burning into yours. "You have one minute to tell me what happened in there."

You sat in silence, unable to form the words. "You need to start talking, before Hux tries to sue you for breaking his nose."

"I didn't mean to." You said, tears still free falling.

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