Chapter Seventeen - Heartache.

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*AN - Hey all! Trigger Warning - This chapter gets rough, graphic descriptions of violence, torture, and blood. Please take care if you are sensetive to these topics. It ends happy, but still take caution. Otherwise, please enjoy, and comment and vote. I love hearing your reactions and I'm sure you'll have plenty for this whirlwind...Love SithKween <3*

"Hi doll face. Did you miss me?"

You couldn't even give a sarcastic answer, it was painful to breathe.

You saw Hux crouch down in front of you through your hazy vision, he reeked of booze and exuded malice, whilst Bazine peeked through the thick curtain, no doubt keeping watch for Kylos return.

Kylo, oh god, please walk through the door now
, you thought.

"Many happy returns on your birthday." Hux laughed.

" suspicions were true huh? You're fucking Ren! Ha! You used that little whore body to work your way up the cliché of you." He scoffed.

"I put up with that fucking child and his tantrums for years, helped him become what he is today, and what do I get in return? He takes everything from me. He has cost me my career, my fucking money!" He hissed in your ear. "If it weren't for my darling Bazine, I don't know where I would be right now, drowning in my own self pity no doubt. But when she told me all about Ren and his little crush, well, I knew his fucking weak spot."

"You're...disgusting." You coughed out, trying desperately to move away which only caused him to sneer. " what you...deserved." He knelt on your ribs, ripping the air from your lungs completely.

Then you felt something cold and sharp run over your bare leg.

"Perhaps...but I can't let this injustice go unpunished. So, it's time I took something from him...this might hurt a little." 

Pain scorched into your thigh like a million bee stings, through muscle and bone, causing a hoarse scream to escape your chest. Then came the warmth, pouring out of your broken skin like a flood of despair. The distinctive smell of blood filled your nostrils, coppery and thick, making your stomach churn, as the taste of metal filled your mouth from your split lip.

"Armie! What the fuck? You said you were just going to spook her a little!" You heard Bazine say in a panic stricken whisper.

"Go and wait in the car Baz. Now!" Hux snapped back. You heard her protest, then the door opening and closing.

"I didn't want to do this, truly, I always had a soft spot for you...but little bitches who play with fire get their fingers burned." He snarled.

You gasped as he lifted himself off of you and you grabbed your thigh, trying to stop the bleeding slightly. Hux noticed that and tutted, before grabbing you by the hair and dragging you into the kitchen. Your scalp burned, you desperately clawed at his arm, trying to fight him off, but it was no use. He had already won.

"I distinctly remember you breaking my nose, little mouse...perhaps I should...break something of yours?" You let out an almighty scream as he crushed your fingers under his entire weight, twisting his ankle into the floor as if your bones were nothing more than cigarette butts.

The metal blade shined from above you as he twisted it in his hand like an eager butcher, with a glint in his eyes to match the steel. He straddled your hips where he stood, crouching down, hovering over your torn up body. You felt the knife press lightly into your chest and travel down, ripping Kylos t-shirt open. Hux almost moaned as he took in the sight of your lingerie, the lingerie meant for only Kylos eyes. Your stomach flipped once again.

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