Chapter Fourteen - Birthday.

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*AN - Hey all! So, this chapter is FLUFFY, wtf?! But I really loved writing it. I hope you all enjoy reading, and please don't forget to comment as well as vote (it helps me stay motivated and i need the serotonin) love you all, SithKween<3*

Kylo had never taken an hour away from work, let alone a whole week. 

He was drowning, unable to keep his head afloat.

Usually complications didn't bother Kylo much. Snoke had taught him from a young age how to stay focused, cold, collected, how to channel his rage about trivial things into success, power, money. But now, as he was slumped on the floor of his study, shards of broken glass surrounding him, his head swimming with whiskey and bitter realities; he didn't know how he would surface again.

"Nasty cut." Vicrul said with a firm tone. Kylo just stared up at the ceiling, ignoring his presence. "Bazine Netal, best in the business. She's expecting your call." He added, throwing a white business card onto Kylos chest, before leaving the study.

Kylo sighed deeply and sat up, twirling the small card in his fingers. 

Surely this was a sign of weakness, needing to talk to a total stranger about the darkness residing in his head, surely, if he was a real man, he wouldn't need such things. Kylo shook his head, no, that was Snoke talking. If this woman could help him get back to work and lock his past away, he was willing to try.

"Hello, Bazine Netal speaking..."

"Yes, hello. My name is Kylo Ren."

As he suspected, Kylo hated therapy. Having to think back into the past was hard, as was having a stranger pick apart his brain, for an obscene amount of money.

Reluctantly, Kylo talked about his dysfunctional upbringing, being passed from relative to relative, his strict boarding school, his parents deaths, being controlled by Snoke, his unhealthy obsessions with work and drinking, over spending and just generally not enjoying much about life.

Bazine just listened and nodded, or scribbled in her notepad. After a couple of sessions Kylo began to relax, it was easier talking to a stranger about his feelings.

"There must be something that brings you joy in life Kylo?" Bazine quizzed.

"Money." He shrugged.

"Money doesn't buy happiness, I think we both know that." She retorted.

After a beat of silence, Kylo spoke again.

"There's a girl."

But, after how cruel he'd been, he wouldn't be surprised if you were long gone by now. Your face when he grabbed you in his office was still circulating around in his head, haunting his dreams, the way you looked so afraid of him.

"What's she like?"

"Smart, fiesty..." He sighed. "Beautiful, sweet."

"Can you describe how she makes you feel?"

"Good, but also..." His eyes flitted to his shoes.

"She scares you." Bazine hummed, clicking the end of her ballpoint bed. "Is that because you are scared of feeling weak? Being hurt?"

"I don't know, isn't it your job to make those conclusions?" He huffed. 

"Touché." She smirked. "It sounds to me like you are reluctant to connect with someone on a deep, emotion level, because you're afraid of losing them."   

Bazine's words registered with Kylo then. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he never wanted to admit to being afraid of anything or anyone, but she was making sense.

"She sounds like she's important to you."

"Mhmm." He sighed. 

"Do you love her?"

Kylo didn't respond, he didn't know how to.

"Kylo, sometimes love isn't all fuzzy and can be gritty, raw, difficult even; but it's still love. If you care for this girl, don't give up on it because of how others have treated you."

Kylo sighed and nodded, pulling a cigarette from his jacket pocket, thoughts clouded with only you.

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