Chapter Fifteen - Changes.

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*AN - Hey all, thank you for reading if you have got this far, I'm so grateful. A shorter chapter today, but I'll be working extra hard on the next ones. Don't forget to comment on your favourite bit! ;-) love Sith <3*

You placed coffees down around to each person sat at the conference table, then retreated back at your down seat, notepad and pen in hand. 

Kylo had called a meeting, with each important member of the company, and he wanted you to be there to scribble down notes. Hux was sat down at the foot of the table near Kylo, his eyes flitted back and forth to you and him, you smiled awkwardly, trying to ignore his gaze. You hadn't seen him for a while, but thankfully his nose looked like it had healed.

"Good morning everyone," Kylo began. "I apologise for my absence last week, I was dealing with some personal issues. Thank you all for coming at such short notice."

The table erupted in grumbles and good mornings, and you looked to him, wondering yourself what all of this was about. He hadn't mentioned anything. After spending the weekend with him, celebrating his birthday and worshipping his cock, he hadn't talked much about work at all. 

You couldn't help but swoon as you watched him, talking precisely and gesturing with his hands to accentuate his words, his tight navy suit showing off each curve, each muscle, his face was practically glowing, well rested and calm, his eyes full of energy and determination.

"I'm sure you're all curious to what this meeting entails." The people around the table nodded, some folding their arms across their chests, some sipped there coffees, you just sat and watched Kylo, your eyes wide and adoring. "From today onwards, I am making some changes to First Order. The company as a whole, needs to be lifted, renovated, brought into this century. As you know, my God Father founded this company, but his ideologies and morals were...questionable, so, I propose we change that."

"But why? Why fix what isn't broken?" Hux whined.

"Starting with,'re fired." 

"Ha! Good one Ren." He laughed out loud, then became silent, lips pursing. "You're not serious?"

"Oh, I'm very serious." Kylo said, linking his hands together in front of him. "Several complaints of sexual harassment, inappropriate language, not to mention the way you treat our clients who lack the pretentiousness that you hold so dear. When Snoke appointed you as my COO, I wasn't in a position to disagree, but now, I am. And your dismissal is long over due." 

You felt your mouth fall wide open, the other people at the table shuffling uncomfortably in their seats.

Hux stood to his feet, his pale face now cherry red, his eyes furious.

"Good luck replacing me Ren. You're nothing, nothing without me!" He seethed. 

"Oh, I already have." Kylo said, his eyes landing directly on you. You gulped.

"Her?!" Hux screeched. "Oh, I see...I knew you were a fucking slut underneath that innocent demeanour, but this...oh god, you'll both regret this!"

Kylo moved faster than lightning, grabbing Hux by his scrawny neck, squeezing until Hux's eyes bulged from their sockets.

"Don't speak to her, don't even look at her. You revolting, conceited rat. Now, get the fuck out of this building." Kylo said, just loud enough for you all the hear. He was holding Hux's throat, almost off the ground when he let go. "If I see you here again, I won't be so merciful." Hux spluttered and gasped, readjusted his collar and left the conference room with a lasting glare and not another word.

"Apologies for that, unnecessary scene everyone, now," The others around the table all sat upright, their faces full of worry, scared if they were next. "Miss (y/n) will from now on be my second in command. I trust you will all with treat her with the respect and decency she deserves." Everyone nodded furiously and clapped as you felt your eyes welling up, unable to process what this meant. 

"Congratulations." He muttered. You smiled at him, nodding softly.

"I also have decided to change the name from First Orders Law Firm to Solo and Co Law Firm." He said, you jotted it down in your notepad. 

Solo...That name again. Hm.

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