Chapter Three - Spoilt.

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*A/N - A tiny slice of plot and a lot of cyber porn. Plus a couple cute things. Please comment and vote! I love you all, thank you for reading my brain dumps. SithKween<3*

You drove to work the next morning with a shit eating grin on your face, all thanks to Solo Guy. He was quickly becoming your favourite person in the world, and the reason the figure in your bank account was larger than it had been in months. You felt over joyed, like you had literally, and figuratively hit the jackpot.

Seeing as Hux was away defending Robert Jones, the morning went by and you were unscathed. You sat back in your chair and exhaled, is it worth reporting Hux's little spank? Would you be ignored? Would Mr. Ren even care? Fuck it, it was wrong and in a building full of lawyers, who should know better, you knew what the right thing to do was.

[To: Good morning Sir, I hope this email finds you well. Sorry to bother you, I just wondered if you had five minutes to talk today? Thank you.]

You breathed a sigh of relief, now all you had to do was wait. You couldn't say you were particularly thrilled to have to sit alone in a room with Ren again, but it would definitely be easier than having lunch with Hux. After sharpening a few pencils over by the printer, you returned to your desk, and there was already a reply.

[From: Of course, I have some free time right now. Come to my office, top floor. Ren.]

Shit. No going back now.

You left your files neatly laid out on your desk so you wouldn't return to a mess and made your way to the elevator, you pressed floor 30 and sucked in a deep breath, hoping that this wasn't a huge error. Like he said, he didn't empathise. Would he think you were out to cause trouble? Would he think you were wasting his time? The elevator dinged and opened up, too late to go back. 

His office, of course, was the entire floor. You stood awkwardly on your stilettos as you walked out of the elevator, his desk positioned directly opposite you by the window. You were slightly enamoured by the view, not only on the gorgeous man, leaning on his elbows against the sleek black desk, but the city scape below you, no wonder he wanted to be alone a lot of the time.

"Mr. Ren, thank you for offering to see me."

"Take a seat, I don't have long."

You gulped, he didn't seem in the best of moods. You nodded and walked over to his desk, taking a seat down opposite him. He stared at you for a few moments, that intense glare making you nervous, making you feel small and crushable, yet the light shining in through the large window unearthed the flecks of emerald and amber in his piercing gaze, his eyes were as beautiful as the view.

"Yes?" He asked, breaking you free from your gawping.

"Oh,, I wanted to address something. Something inappropriate, happened to me yesterday after you left Hux's office." You began, playing nervously with your fingers which Mr. Ren seemed to be fixated on. "Mr. Hux, he I left the room, he smacked my...ass." You wanted the ground to swallow you whole as you said the word ass to such a god like man. He leaned back in his seat and linked his hands together, how had you not noticed how, focus. He tilted his head to the side and let out a small sigh.

"I see." He said, standing up. He walked over to the edge of the desk, next to you, the scent of sandalwood and oranges flooding your senses as it wafted from his designer suit jacket. "I will give Hux a warning, if he touches you inappropriately again, do not hesitate to tell me." 

"Okay. Thank you, Sir, I'll leave you to your day." You said quietly, he nodded, holding his eyes on you again, as if you had said something wrong, but then he looked away to the window.

"Wait. I actually wanted to show you something." He said, walking back around to his seat. He pulled some paper from a black folder and pushed it towards you, you took it from him, your fingers brushing gently as you did so, causing a bolt of heat to shoot through your body. "It's the report from the Jones case."

You looked at him a little confused, but read along the paper anyway. 

'Conclusion: All charges dropped against Mrs Anita Jones, both parents will have equal custody over their six year old daughter Iris.'

"What, I I don't understand-"

"I may have taken your words into consideration and had Hux change his course. It was the right thing to do. The loss of a parent, it can be..." He stopped himself from carrying on with that sentence. The typical, I'm a man, I must not show emotion mentality was radiating from him. You wanted to reach out and give him a hug, but you knew you would lose your job quicker than you had started it. 

"I don't know what to say. Thank you, Mr. Ren." 

"Hm. Yes well, if you'll excuse me, I have other meetings to attend to." He said, not looking up at you again. You quietly excused yourself from his office, truly not sure how to feel. There was more to Mr. Ren than he was letting on, maybe it was time to do some research.

Once you were back at your desk you searched for Mr. Ren online. There wasn't much to be said about him, apart from the fact that he had inherited the business from his late god father William Snoke, he was the youngest man to ever be featured in Forbes, he had never lost a case in his entire career and his first name was Kylo? Unusual, but, fitting, perhaps a pseudonym?

He was squeaky clean, no messy divorces, no prison sentences, no drunken pictures from college, just a success story. But you knew rich, powerful men who didn't show much emotion usually had skeletons in their closet. But it wasn't your business, you didn't want to pry, you were just happy that he was going to give Hux a warning, hopefully it would get him off your tail for a little while.

During lunch you sat in the café alone again, and gave the care home a call. The nurse said that your mom was doing alright, that they had spent the morning looking around the gardens and sampling some cakes that the local school had made, that made you smile, it was nice to hear good news. You checked your texts, Finn had managed to coax a few of his friends to come along for drinks on Saturday night, you couldn't wait to drink anyway this rocky first week with good people, people who didn't want to humiliate you or sniff your hair without consent, and you would actually have some money to pay for drinks this time too, thank god for Solo Guy.

Speaking of which, you had a notification from? He had never messaged you in the day time before, maybe he was taking a day off?

1:13pm: S0L0GUY: Hi Princess. I'd like to send you a couple of gifts, obviously I do not expect you to send me your address, but how should I get them to you? P.S, I can't stop thinking about your gorgeous body.

1:45pm: TimidPrincessss: Hello Mr. Wow, that is very sweet of you. You could send them to 598 10th Av, NY 10037. It's the resturant my friend helps manage. P.P.S, you haven't seen it all yet.

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