Chapter Seven - It's You.

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AN - It's happening! Stay fucking calm! Vicrul is a brat, Kylo is Daddy. Smut up ahead, lots of playtime, unprotected sex, mask kinks, eeeeek. I hope you all love this chapter! Please comment and vote, love SithKween <3*

Before you knew it, it was Saturday. You felt anxious, as you sat in your fizzy, lavender scented bath, tonight you were going to meet Solo Guy.

Not that you were the shallow type, but what if you didn't find him attractive? What if you didn't have anything to talk about? What if he was a fucking axe murderer? You decided to let go of the what ifs and just go with the flow; as your mom always used to say, if you never try you never know. She would have told you to go and meet this "nice young man" without a second thought. You smiled down at Niima who was playing with your bath towel beside you, for the first time in a long time, you felt optimistic.

You spent most of the morning tidying your home, grief was beginning to look like unwashed dishes and heaps of laundry, so after clearing it up you felt a little lighter.

Hux had emailed you, apologising for what he had said and to "not worry" about his nose, and that he hoped you could put this behind you. You rolled your eyes, you didn't care, you were glad to have finally given him a taste of his own bullshit. Now he knew how hard you could throw a punch, you were sure he wouldn't give you any more hassle.

You stopped by the grocery store after cleaning, and began filling your basket with all the necessities, coffee, cheese, cake, strawberries, soda, humming along to the cheery music that was playing in the background.

As you turned the corner you noticed a young woman glance over and smile at you, a perfect pearly white smile, her glossy brown hair was half up, half down and her skin was olivey, dusted in freckles. You recognised her, even with a blurry memory of the weekend before.

"Hi there, I thought it was you! I'm Rey, I saw you at the club last week! How's it going?" She asked cheerfully, leaning against her shopping cart that rattled due to the amount of champagne bottles it held.

Kylos soon to be sister in law?

"Oh Rey, hi, yes I remember you too. It's going okay thanks." You both chuckled. "Congratulations by the way, Kylo said you were engaged."

"Oh yes, Mrs. Ren to be." She said, flashing her large, princess cut diamond in your face. "It feels a bit surreal to be honest, but its mostly nice. Say, did anything happen between you and Kylo that night? He didn't say much when he got back from giving you a ride home."

"Between me and Kylo? Oh no, nothing. Maybe he was just tired?"

"Hm, he doesn't really get tired, I don't think I've ever seen him relax. He's always been pretty hard to read, but he just looked, I don't know... distracted?"

"Well I'm sure he has his reasons, maybe ask him? If you'll excuse-"

"He's never done that before, by the way, offered a girl a ride home I mean. I've never actually seen him care for anyone except Vicrul."

"Oh, well, I'm sure he was just being polite." You said, this was the headfuck you didn't need today. "It was nice to meet you Rey."

"You too chick. By the way, me and Vic are hosting a little party tonight, you're welcome to come by if you want, but no pressure. See you round." She said, slipping a small white invite into your pocket. You smiled and waved goodbye as you hurried off to the checkout.

What did she mean? Did she know about the kiss? Was that her way of saying he feels something for me? Or was it a warning, of how he's emotionally unavailable, most definitely a Scorpio, and someone you should avoid? You weren't sure, but you brushed it off and went home, thinking only of your date as you put her invitation in the trash.

You laid out three dresses on your bed and rubbed your temples. Which one would he like best? Why were you so bothered? If things went well it wouldn't be on for sent a picture of them all to Rose, needing a ladies opinion.

Text Message - Rose: Definitely the black. It's sexy, sophisticated, revealing enough but still leaves some mystery. Have fun!

You sent back a thumbs up and a love heart emoji, black it is.

12:35pm: TimidPrincessss:
Hi, are we still on for tonight?'

12:38pm: S0L0GUY: Yes Princess. I've booked us a room at the Four Seasons. Meet me there at 9?'

Your mouth fell open. The four seasons?! That was like $800 per night.

12:46pm: TimidPrincessss: Wow, that's crazy. I wasn't expecting somewhere so fancy!'

12:48pm: S0L0GUY: Only the best for a Princess x'

Your heart thumped in your chest, you suddenly didn't care who he was or what he might look like, you were going to spend an evening in luxury, with a man who looked like he was sculpted by ancient Greek aristocrats. What could possibly go wrong?

You finished your makeup with a touch of your favourite plum lipstick and a black cat eye, before curling your hair and letting it bounce around your shoulders. You were waxed, moisturised, plucked, spritzed, you'd only ever made this effort once before and that was for your high school prom. Underneath your dress was a red lace bra and the crotchless panties he had bought for you, just to add a little extra spice to the evening.

You text Finn, letting him know where you were going, to which he sent you a high pitched squealing voice note, followed by a "send me a fire emoji if you're in danger" which made you laugh. Strangely you didn't feel nervous, no butterflies or cold feet, just curiosity.

You spent the taxi ride gazing out of the window, checking the time, you were a little late thanks to Niima wanting extra cuddles, but before you knew it you were standing outside of the Four Seasons.

You approached the front desk and a tall, friendly faced woman behind it smiled.

"Good Evening Miss, you look beautiful. Have you booked a room?"

"Hi, yes, I believe it's booked under Solo."

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