Chapter Nine - Needy.

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*AN - Hey all! Thank you all so much for reading along if you have made it this far! Things get steamy in this chapter, literally. Public pussy eating anyone? And our Kylo is starting to be a soft boiiii. Hope you enjoy! Love Sith <3*

"Ah! Mr. Ren, such a pleasure to see you again. Table for two this evening?" The friendly faced waiter said in a thick Thai accent, taking Kylos suit jacket from him.

"Yes, Chakan. My usual table please." Kylo said, placing a bill in Chakan's breast pocket and tapping it gently.

Show off.

The waiter smiled gleefully and nodded, he took your coat and your scarf from you and placed them on the rack beside Kylos. Thankfully you had covered most of your bright purple love bites up with foundation before you left. Chakan lead the way to the corner of the resturant. It was a beautiful place, on the upper side of the city, somewhere you never had the time or the money to explore.

You admired the neatly laid out tables, the gold and red decorative art work, the glittering cutlery, the smells of fresh lemongrass and warm spices. Chakan pulled a thick red curtain aside, to reveal a small table for two, opposite a large glass window, giving you a clear view of the bright city lights below. You both took a seat and your waiter left, closing the curtain behind him.

"Well isn't this cosy?" You laughed, wiggling into the red and gold chair, which was ridiculously comfortable.

"I don't want us being disturbed sweetheart." Kylo purred, eyeing your tight, revealing dress. "I see you spent my money well..."

"I have some left...I just..."

"Sh." He snapped, leaning in closer to you, you could smell the tobacco and mint on his breath. "I gave it to you to spend, not to sit in your little purse gathering dust." 

"Well, thank you. It was actually quite fun. The woman in the store looked like she'd seen a ghost when I could actually afford the pay for everything." You laughed. "It was a real pretty woman moment."

Kylo smirked at you, his gaze almost taking your breath away for the umpteenth time that day. You looked away and nervously scanned the menu to stop yourself from breaking into a sweat, you sighed, every single dish sounding as amazing as the last, you weren't really sure what to choose.

"You don't have to look at that kitten." He rumbled softly.

Kitten...that was new. You felt your insides quiver.

"Oh, why? Are we not eating?"

"Hm, silly girl. We are eating, but not from the menu. I know the chef, got him out of a pinch once. He always prepares a five course meal for me, off the menu, with Thai wine pairings to match."

"Oh, wow. Five courses? That seems like a lot..."

"It is, but fine dining is one of the few pleasures I like to indulge in."

"I see...what else do you like to indulge in, Mr. Ren?"

"Oh, you'll see sweetheart. You'll see." He smirked wickedly, showing off his gorgeous, deep dimples. You felt your stomach flip, not sure if you were nervous, horny, or both.

After the first few courses and glasses of wine you felt like you were ascending. The food was incredible, the company too, the entire ambiance of the place was so comforting, you were getting very used to this expensive way of living, which you knew wasn't a good idea. 

"Um, Kylo, I wanted to ask you something..." You said feebly, sipping your white wine.

"And what might that be hm?"

"Well, what happens now? Like, between us?"

"Hm, well I suppose it's simple enough. In work we will remain professional," He began. "Out of work, if you are comfortable with it, the arrangement will stay the same. I will give you money, dress you in pretty clothes, spoil you return you will give me companionship, loyalty, sex..." He crossed his arms across his chest, raising an eyebrow slightly. "I won't entertain other women, you won't entertain other men. I still get my little video calls, and you will get anything your little heart desires. How does that all sound?"

"Good...that sounds good." Too fucking good to be true, you thought to yourself. "I was so sure you were going to say it all had to end after tonight."

"Oh, how sweet, but no, I'm just getting started with you." He purred. He pushed his chair out from the table, eyes locked on your curious ones. "Be a good girl and finish your wine for me...and stay still." You furrowed your brow as you watched him crouch down, and crawl under the table.

"Kylo...wh," You felt his hands on your bare thighs, playing with you, as you tried desperately to sit still and not squeal too loud. His fingers traced over the hem of your dress, before pushing it up and out of the way with ease. "Oh..."

You squeezed your eyes shut, then heard the curtain swish open.

No, no please, not now.

"Your next course Sir...oh, sorry, Miss." The waiter said, you whipped your head around to look at him and almost choked as you felt Kylos fingers brush your panty covered clit. 

You cleared your throat softly and smiled, trying to stay completely calm given the circumstances. "He's, bathroom..."

"Not a problem. So, here we have wild ginger, coconut and chilli braised beef," You jolted slightly as Kylo rubbed your clit faster in small circles, your panties now sodden. "With an assortment of green vegetables," Kylo suddenly pulled your lace panties to one side and spanked your cunt softly, you masked your moan with a small cough. "And jasmine rice." Before you could brace yourself Kylo licked a hot stripe from your wet slit to your clit. You gripped the table hard, threatening to spill the selection of plates Chakan had just put in front of you.

", it looks...delicious...Cha...Chakan. Thank you." You squeaked, slyly directing the thank you at both of the men in the room.

"You're very welcome. Only the best for Mr. Ren and his esteemed guests." He smiled sweetly, he was lovely, but you wished he would leave the fucking room before you collapsed from holding back the overwhelming pleasure that was boiling in your stomach. "He is our best customer you know, very generous."

"Y-yes. He' good." You said breathlessly.

You felt Kylo smile against your skin. His tongue licked and sucked your clit frantically, his hand gripping into the soft flesh of your thigh, hard enough to leave a mark, which you didn't mind at all. 

"Yes, yes. Well, I will leave you to enjoy, perhaps I will see Mr. Ren on his way back to the table." Chakan said, bowing his head slightly before walking off through the red curtain.


Your head fell back, eyes rolling into your skull as you let out a mewling breath. Kylos attack on your pussy continued underneath the table. You reached your hands down and grabbed his soft hair, tugging it slightly as your legs spread further apart. His expert tongue was edging you closer and closer to your climax, swirling and slurping away at your sensetive bundle of nerves, but before you reached your peak, he pulled away.

He remerged from his hiding space and sat back down at the table opposite you, a smug grin on his wet lips. He leaned forwards in his chair and curled his fingers towards himself, beckoning you to him. You frowned, childishly pouting at him, then leaned forwards. He grabbed your delicate jaw in his thumb and forefinger and pulled you into a deep, feverish kiss, his tongue dancing in sync with yours, your pussy throbbed. 

"You taste that?" He pulled away and you nodded slightly. "You little pussy tastes better than anything money can buy. My good girl."

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