Chapter Five - Distractions.

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*A/N - This chapter is a little shorter, but it's setting up the story! Death is mentioned briefly.*

By the time Monday rolled around you were still hungover and you still hadn't heard from Solo Guy. You figured he was just busy, but it was disappointing all the same.

You'd taken the liberty of washing Kylos jacket, before folding it up and putting it in a plastic bag to give back to him. Spraying it with a little bit of your perfume first, just to jog his memory. You figured you would leave it with the receptionist, Miss Katana, as you didn't want to be alone with him in his office again, even without the alcohol, you knew that the tension would ruin you, and you wanted to keep your job in tact.

"Good morning, Miss Katana." You said cheerfully as you approached her desk.

"Hello sweet girl. Please, I've told you, call me Maz."

"Sorry, Maz. I um, I have Mr. Rens jacket, he asked me to get it dry cleaned for him. Do you think you could take it to his office for me? I would go myself but Hux is pretty strict about his morning coffee..." She raised an eyebrow at you, before nodding.

"Of course dear, leave it to me."

"Thank you so much. I owe you one!" You said, handing her the bag and making your way to the café.

You collected Hux's usual and got yourself an Americano, hoping the caffeine hit would wake you up a little. It had been years since you had drank that many shots and boy did you know it, you were really facing the consequences now.

"There you go." You smiled, handing Hux the cardboard cup and napkin.

"Ah, perfect." He said, taking a loud sip. "How was your weekend?"

"Good thank you Sir." You said, he nodded, handing you a thick stack of work, you groaned internally, Monday's were quickly becoming your least favourite.

"That's good, I'm glad. And I'm glad to put the little, incident, behind us."

If by incident you mean smacking my ass and sexualising me the very moment I stepped into your office?

"Yes, of course Sir. All is forgiven."

"Wonderful. So I'm sure that paper work will be completed by the end of the day, yes?" You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes, but smiled and nodded along.

"Consider it done."

"Good girl."

Hm, those words didn't quite have the same affect on you, coming from Hux's creepy lips.

You sat back in your desk and began sorting through the mountain of papers. A drunk driver, petty fraud and a flasher were first on your agenda. You groaned, your headache still pounding at your temples. The work was easy enough, typing up notes and organising crimes in lists of severity, but your mind was still in other places.

10:04am: TimidPrincessss: Did my drunk texts scare you away?'

No reply.

11:38am: TimidPrincessss: I hope you're okay.'

No reply.

You sighed deeply and dropped your phone beside you. Paper work it is.


In his office Kylo sat at his desk, drumming his fingers on the wood. Miss Katana the receptionist had stopped by and handed him a clear plastic bag, it was his jacket. He appreciated having it back, it was an $800 dollar jacket after all, but he felt disappointed that you hadn't delivered it yourself. He figured you were avoiding him too.

It was probably for the best. He wasn't proud of how he left things with you, he'd been rather miserable actually. He hadn't even had the enthusiasm to message his online distraction, he needed time to decompress.

Kylo pulled the jacket from the bag and laid it out in front of him, the smell of your fruity perfume was all over it, intoxicating him. He checked the pockets, thankfully you hadn't had it washed with the cigarettes and lighter inside. He imagined you, laying back in your bed, smoking, nothing on accept his jacket, how pretty you would look, as the smoke tumbled from your lips. He groaned, taking the jacket in his hands and bringing it up to his nose. He inhaled deeply, allowing the scent of you to over run his mind with thoughts.

His cock was hard, painfully so. He knew he was free for the next hour so he sinfully unzipped his pants and pulled his erection free, gripping it firmly. Perhaps someone could help him get his mind off you.

12:37pm: S0L0GUY: Hi Princess.'

12:42pm: S0L0GUY: I'm sorry for the delay. I've been working. Daddy hasn't forgotten about you.'

12:45pm: TimidPrincessss: Okay, that's good. I was scared you'd disappeared. How's work?'

12:47pm: S0L0GUY: Very dull. I'm actually in my office now, stroking my big cock, thinking about your perfect body.'

12:50pm: TimidPrincessss:
Really? That's so hot.'

12:52pm: S0L0GUY: Yeah. Does it make your pussy wet, knowing Daddy is touching himself at work over you?'

12:56pm: TimidPrincessss: Yes Daddy. Very wet.'

12:58pm: S0L0GUY: That's a good girl, but Daddy needs help. Could you help me?'

1:04pm: TimidPrincessss: Okay. But how??'

1:05pm: S0L0GUY: Are you at work?'

1:06pm: TimidPrincessss: Yes, on my lunch break.'

1:11pm: S0L0GUY: That's good. I want you to go to the bathroom for me, and send me a picture of your pretty tits. Is that okay? Can you do that for me Princess?

1:21pm: TimidPrincessss: [Sent an Image]
1:21pm: TimidPrincessss: Is that okay?

Kylo opened the picture and growled into his jacket. He spat into his hand so he could fuck his fist quicker, imagining cumming all over the perky tits on his phone screen.

1:24pm: S0L0GUY: Yes, that is perfect. Daddy's going to cum in his office because of you, my naughty girl.'

1:26pm: TimidPrincessss: I'm playing with myself too. It feels so good, I'm dripping wet.'

1:27pm: S0L0GUY:
Oh you are? Fuck, you're such a good slut for me aren't you?'

As he sent that message he came, all over his exposed abs and his hand. Relief, for a little while.

He quickly snapped a picture, hoping you would appreciate it.

1:31pm: S0L0GUY: [Sent an Image]
 ...Look what you made Daddy do. My good girl.'

You opened the picture up, it was his perfectly sculpted abs, covered in cum, you felt your eyes roll back in your head, your orgasm building layer by layer in your stomach.

1:34pm: S0L0GUY: You can cum for me.

Even whilst not on a webcam you still waited for permission, you sighed to yourself, biting down on your sleeve as you came. Your headache was gone and so was your ability to move, as you sat on the toilet seat, legs shaking.

You washed your hands and reorganised your skirt, before heading back to your desk.

1:46pm: TimidPrincessss: Thank you Daddy, that was just what I needed. Are you free to video call tonight?'

1:49pm: S0L0GUY: Yes Princess, I am.'

1:51pm: TimidPrincessss: Good, because I think I'm ready to show you something new.'

1:54pm: S0L0GUY: You want to show Daddy more hm?'

1:56pm: TimidPrincessss: Yes. I want you to see everything...'

1:57pm: S0L0GUY: I can't wait. Such a good girl, now get back to work okay? I'll see you soon.'

You smiled to yourself, seeing his online status switch to offline, then you heard a ching, you checked your bank account.

"Thank you Daddy." You smirked, whispering to yourself, seeing another $500 tip had been sent.

You carried on with your mundane tasks as Kylo sat through another board meeting, thankfully it went by quickly and you knew it, it was time to leave.

As you walked out of the building to the car park, you saw him, you kept your head down, trying to avoid his gaze, and the fact he was wearing the jacket that had previously been wrapped around your naked body only a couple of nights prior.

Kylo watched you as you got into your car. He could see how desperately you were trying to avoid his gaze, even when he passed your desk after lunch, you didn't notice him, t was almost admirable. But he noticed you, your short skirt, your slightly flushed face, those fucking plum painted lips he wanted to taste. Even after his satisfying orgasm, you were still buried in his mind like a fucking tick. How were you doing this to him? You were nothing, nobody, a fucking assistant to the biggest low life that worked for him.

As you drove past him and caught his eye he gave a faint nod, acknowledging you and hopefully putting the animosity to rest. He knew better than to create drama at his company, especially when you were nothing to him. He wasn't about to lose his empire, or fall at the feet of a girl that was such an insignificant part of his life.

You moved like a whirlwind when you got home. You stripped off your work clothes dived into the bath, shaved your legs, armpits and your nether regions, making sure they were silky smooth. You dried off, put your hair into a low ponytail and made sure to wear a matching set of lingerie, tonight's choice was baby pink, which off set your caramel skin like a dream.

After feeding yourself and Niima you got comfy in your bed, lighting some candles, helping you to get comfortable and ready for the fucking show you were about to put on.

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